(1)Shear banding in metallic glasses 2016-05-17
(2)Shear banding in high speed machining of metals 2016-01-03
(3)冲击载荷下非晶合金层裂损伤萌生与演化动力学 中国材料大会 2015-07-11
(4)Dissipation dynamics of shear band in metallic glasses 2014-08-14
(5)Shear banding and fracture behavior in tungsten fiber/metallic glass composites 2014-06-14
(6)Self-organization of shear bands in bulk metallic glasses 2014-01-03
(7)Nucleation and growth of voids in bulk metallic glasses 2013-09-01
(8)How does metallic glass fracture? 2011-12-01
(9)Fracture mechanism of metallic glasses 2011-01-11
(10)Fracrure mechanics in BMGs 2010-10-10