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方海平 男 博导 上海应用物理研究所

电子邮件:fanghaiping (at)sinap.ac.cn


长期从事从宏观到微纳米尺度的理论物理和其他领域的交叉学科研究;近年来侧重界面水、纳米生物学和理论物理学的交叉研究,特别是纳米尺度空间中水的特性、其生物效应和其启发的物理机理研究。在国内外学术期刊发表论文100多篇,并多次在国内外国际会议上作大会、主题和邀请报告。研究工作已发表在《自然•纳米技术》(Nature Nanotechnology)、《美国科学院院刊》(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA)、《物理评论快报》(Phys. Rev. Lett.)、《美国化学会志》(J. Am. Chem. Soc.)、《德国应用化学》(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.) 和能源与环境科学(Energy Environ. Sci.)等国际权威杂志上。《自然•纳米技术》的“新闻和评论”栏目刊发标题为“A blueprint for a nanoscale pump(一个纳米泵的蓝图)”的文章做专题报道。英国的《新科学家》(New Scientist)、《化学世界》(Chemical World)、《自然•中国》等国际著名期刊和网站从分子机器、分子棘轮、淡水处理、化学分离和药物传送等方面报道和介绍了这些工作。应邀在J. Phys. D: Applied Physics, Nanoscale、Current Physical Chemistry、物理、科学等国际学术期刊写Review和Feature文章来系统阐述纳米水通道的物理、生物特性和应用前景。最近,在纳米尺度的统计物理,理论说明热扰动驱动的纳米尺度的棘轮效应的可行性和其与宏观棘轮效应的本质区别。研究工作入选科技部2005年《基础科学研究快报》、“上海科技进步报告”等。获中国科学院“****”( 终期考核评估获“优秀”) 、国家杰出青年基金获得者,上海市学科带头人。
1. Chunlei Wang, Bo Zhou, Yusong Tu, Peng Xiu, Jingye Li, Haiping Fang*, Critical length for the wetting transition due to collective water-dipoles interactions, Scientific Reports 2, 358 (2012) 理论预言已经于2012年部分得到美国研究组的实验验证
2. Rongzheng Wan, Jun Hu and Haiping Fang*, Asymmetric transportation induced by thermal noise at the nanoscale, Sci China-Phys Mech Astron 55, 751(2012) . Highlight: Thermal noise molecular ratchet mechanism found by researchers in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chin. Sci. Bull. (trend) Vol.57 No.19: 2492, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-9921-2; http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-06/sicp-tnm061412.php
3. Wei Gu, Bo Zhou, Tihamér Geyer, Michael Hutter, Haiping Fang* and Volkhard Helms*, Design of a gated molecular proton channel, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 768 (2011)
4. Bo Song, Junwei Yang, Jijun Zhao*, and Haiping Fang*, Intercalation and diffusion of lithium ions in a carbon nanotube bundle by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations”, Energy Environ. Sci. 4, 1379 (2011)
5. Bo Song, Di Li, Wenpeng Qi, Marcus Elstner, Chunhai Fan*, and Haiping Fang*, Graphene-on-Au(111): a Highly Conductive Material with Excellent Ability of the Adsorption for High-resolution Bio-/Nano-detection and Identification, ChemPhysChem., 11, 585 (2010) inside cover
6. Guanghong Zuo, Qing Huang, Guanghong Wei, Ruhong Zhuo* and Haiping Fang*, Plugging Into Proteins: Poisoning Protein Function by a Hydrophobic Nanoparticle, ACS Nano 4. 7508 (2010)
7. Peng Xiu, Bo Zhou, Wenpeng Qi, Hangjun Lu, Yusong Tu, and Haiping Fang*, Manipulating Biomolecules with Aqueous Liquids Confined within Single-walled Nanotubes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 2840 (2009)
8. Yusong Tu, Peng Xiu, Rongzheng Wan, Jun Hu, Ruhong Zhou* and Haiping Fang*, Water-mediated signal transduction with Y-shaped carbon nanotube, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 18120 (2009)
9. Chunlei Wang, Hangjun Lu, Zhigang Wang, Peng Xiu, Bo Zhou, Guanghong Zuo, Rongzheng Wan, Jun Hu and Haiping Fang*, Stable Liquid Water Droplet on a Water Monolayer Formed at Room Temperature on Ionic Model Substrates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103,137801 (2009). 理论预言已经于2011年得到澳大利亚研究组的实验验证
10. Xiaojing Gong, Jingyuan Li, Hangjun Lu, He Zhang and Haiping Fang*, Enhancement of Water Permeation across a Nanochannel by the Structure outside the Channel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 257801 (2008).
11. Xiaojing Gong, Jingyuan Li, Hangjun Lu, Rongzheng Wan, Jichen Li, Jun Hu*, and Haiping Fang*, A charge driven molecular water pump, NATURE Nanotechnology 2, 709-712 (2007) (Hightlighted in NATURE Nanotechnology “News & Views”、 “NATURE China”、 “New Scientist”)
12. Jingyuan Li, Xiaojing Gong, Hangjun Lu, Ding Li, Haiping Fang*, and Ruhong Zhou*, Electrostatic Gating of a Nanometer Water Channel, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 3687 (2007)
13. Rongzheng Wan, Jingyuan Li, Hangjun Lu, Haiping Fang*, Controllable water channel gating of nanometer dimensions, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 7166 (2005)
14. Haiping Fang*, Rongzheng Wan, Xiaojing Gong, Hangjun Lu, and Songyan Li, Dynamics of single-file water chains inside nanoscale channels: physics and biological significance and applications, J. Phys D. (Topical Review), 41, 103002 (2008)
15. Yusong Tu, Ruhong Zhou* and Haiping Fang*, Signal transmission, conversion and multiplication by polar molecules confined in nanochannels, Nanoscale (Feature) 2, 1976 (2010)
16. Guanghong Zuo, Peng Xiu, Xin Zhou, Ruhong Zhou* and Haiping Fang*, Protein conformational changes upon binding with carbon nanotubes, Current Physical Chemistry (minireview) 2, 12(2012)
17. 方海平,纳米水通道内水的流动特性研究,物理 40, 311 (2011) (评述)
18. 涂育松,方海平*,液态水微观结构研究的新进展,物理39, 79 (2010)(评述)









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