(1) 大指向误差下的两路自适应光纤准直器200 W 非相干合成实验,200 W incoherent beam combining of two adaptive fiber-optic collimators in large pointing-error condition,中国激光,2015,第1作者
(2) 基于3-dB光纤耦合器的级联式光纤激光相干合成方法研究,Research of cascaded coherent combining of fiber lasers based on 3-dB fiber couplers,光学学报,2015,第2作者
(3) 大气环境下基于目标照明回光的视轴误差校正实验研究,Experimental research of boresight error correction using returning signals from the illuminated targets through atmosphere,物理学报,2015,第2作者
(4) 基于SPGD算法的自适应光纤耦合器阵列技术研究,Technical research of adaptive fiber coupler array based on SPGD algorithm,红外与激光工程,2015,第2作者
(5) Co-aperture transceiving of two combined beams based on adaptive fiber coupling control,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,2015,第2作者
(6) 自适应光纤准直器的谐振特性优化研究,Optimal research of resonance characteristic of adaptive fiber-optics collimator,光学学报,2014,第2作者
(7) 大气湍流像差对单模光纤耦合效率的影响分析及实验研究,Simulation and experimental study of single-mode fiber coupling efficiency affected by atmospheric turbulence aberration,光学学报,2014,第2作者
(8) New applications of adaptive fiber optics collimator in fiber coupling and beam pointing,Laser Optics, 2014 International Conference,2014,第1作者
(9) Research progress on beam combining of fiber amplifiers in IOE, CAS,Laser Optics, 2014 International Conference,2014,第2作者
(10) Experimental demonstration of single-mode fiber coupling using adaptive fiber coupler,中国物理B,2014,第2作者
(11) 1.5 kW incoherent beam combining of four fiber lasers using adaptive fiber-optics collimators,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,2013,第1作者
(12) Experimental demonstration of using divergence cost-function in SPGD algorithm for coherent beam combining with tip-tilt control,Optics Express,2013,第1作者
(13) 基于自适应桶中功率评价函数的光纤放大器相干合成实验研究,Experimental study on coherent beam combination of fiber amplifiers using adaptive power-in-the-bucket cost function ,物理学报,2013,第1作者
(14) 多单元光纤激光阵列的倾斜控制实验研究,Experimental research of tip/tilt control of a multi-channel fiber-laser array,物理学报,2013,第1作者
(1) New applications of adaptive fiber-optics collimator in fiber coupling and beam pointing,激光光学2014国际会议,2014-06,Chao Geng
(2) 自适应光纤准直器在光纤耦合与激光瞄准技术中的应用,第四届全国高功率光纤激光研究与应用研讨会,2013-12,耿超
(3) 基于新型自适应光学器件的主动式光纤激光相干合成研究,国际高功率光纤激光技术研究及应用研讨会,2012-04,耿超