1. 高磊,王子楠,耿少娟,张宏武,聂超群. 粗糙度对压气机叶栅损失特性影响的实验研究.推进技术,已接收.
2. 王子楠,高磊,耿少娟,张宏武. 不同端壁间隙下压气机平面叶栅角区流动的数值模拟和实验研究. 工程热物理学报,已接收.
3. 李继超,白冰,耿少娟,聂超群. 轴流压气机叶顶间隙泄漏流周向传播特性的实验研究. 工程热物理学报,已接收.
4. 赵龙,耿少娟,张宏武. 压气机二维动叶栅流场非定常波动的大涡模拟. 航空动力学报,2015,30(1):248-256.
5. 张小玉,耿少娟,张宏武. 基于目标压力分布的压气机叶型粘性反问题设计方法. 汽轮机技术,2014, 56(4):241-245.
6. 耿少娟,张小玉,聂超群,黄伟光,张宏武. 轴流压气机叶顶端区流场周向传播特征及其预测. 机械工程学报,2012, 48(16):130-138. (EI)
Shaojuan Geng, Xiaoyu Zhang, Chaoqun Nie, Weiguang Huang, Hongwu Zhang, Circumferential Propagation Characteristics of Flow Field in Rotor Tip Region and Its Prediction as Stall Precursor, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 48(16):130-138. (EI) (in Chinese)
7. 刘红蕊,耿少娟,方杭安,聂超群.对旋式轴流风机变转速匹配性能研究.机械设计与制造,2012.3, pp: 116-118.
Hongrui Liu, Shaojuan Geng, Hangan Fang, Chaoqun Nie, Numerical study on the matching performance of contra-rotating axial flow fan under variable speed, Machinery Design & Manufacture, n3, p 116-118, 2012. (in Chinese)
8. 刘红蕊,耿少娟,方杭安,聂超群.对旋式轴流风机变环量流型改进设计.风机技术, 2011.3, pp: 34-38.
Hongrui Liu, Shaojuan Geng, Hangan Fang, Chaoqun Nie, The Improved Design of a Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fan with Variable Circulation Flow Pattern, Compressor Blower & Fan Technology, n3, p 34-38, 2011. (in Chinese)
9. Shaojuan Geng, Naixing Chen, Hongwu Zhang, Weiguang Huang, An improvement on the efficiency of a single rotor transonic compressor by reducing the shock wave strength on the blade suction surfaces, Journal of Thermal Science, v 21, n 2, p 127-135, April 2012.
10. Shaojuan Geng, Feng Lin, Jingyi Chen, Chaoqun Nie, Evolution of Unsteady Flow near Rotor Tip during Stall Inception, Journal of Thermal Science, v 20, n 4, p 294-303, August 2011.
11. 黄俊雄,耿少娟,吴瑞,刘克,聂超群,张宏武,不同叶轮形式下离心泵噪声特性对比研究,声学学报,2010,vol.35(2), pp:113-118.
Huang, Junxiong, Geng, Shaojuan, Wu, Rui, Liu, Ke, Nie, Chaoqun, Zhang, Hongwu, Comparison of noise characteristics in centrifugal pumps with different types of impellers, Acta Acustica, v 35, n 2, p 113-118, March 2010. (in Chinese)
12. 吴瑞,冯涛,耿少娟,刘克,聂超群,一种基于声相似律的旋转流体机械噪声声源分离方法,声学学报,2010,vol.35(2), pp:119-125.
Rui Wu, Tao Feng, Shaojuan Geng, Ke Liu, Chaoqun Nie, A method for quantifying the source of flow noise in turbomachines based on acoustic similarity law, Acta Acustica, v 35, n 2, p 119-125, March 2010. (in Chinese)
13. 耿少娟,林峰,张宏武,黄伟光,低速单转子轴流压气机突尖型失速特征,工程热物理学报,2010,vol.31 (6), pp:929-932.
Shaojuan Geng, Feng Lin, Hongwu Zhang, Weiguang Huang, Characteristics of spike type rotating stall in a low speed isolated axial compressor rotor, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, v 31, n 6, p 929-932, June 2010. (in Chinese)
14. Shaojuan Geng, Feng Lin, Jingyi Chen et al. Circumferential Propagation of Tip Leakage Flow Unsteadiness for a Low Speed Compressor,Journal of Thermal Science, v18, n3, p 202-206, September 2009.
15. 耿少娟,张宏武,陈静宜,黄伟光,跨音速轴流压气机叶顶间隙泄漏流对微喷气的非定常响应机制和扩稳效果研究,工程热物理学报,2009,vol.30 (12), pp:2103-2106.
Shaojuan Geng, Hongwu Zhang, Jingyi Chen, Weiguang Huang, Unsteady response of tip leakage flow to discrete micro tip injection in a transonic axial compressor and its effect on stability enhancement, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, v 30, n 12, p 2013-2016, December 2009. (in Chinese)
16. Chaoqun Nie, Zhiting Tong, Shaojuan Geng, Junqiang Zhu, Weiguang Huang, Experimental Investigations of Micro Air Injection to Control Rotating Stall, Journal of Thermal Science, v16, n1, p 1-6, March 2007.
17. Weiguang Huang, Shaojuan Geng, Junqiang Zhu, Hongwu Zhang, Numerical Simulation of Rotating Stall in a Centrifugal Compressor with Vaned Diffuser, Journal of Thermal Science. v16, n2, p 115-120, May, 2007.
18. Shaojuan Geng, Hongwu Zhang, Jingyi Chen, Weiguang Huang, Unsteady Tip Clearance Flow Pattern in an Isolated Axial Compressor Rotor with Micro Tip Injection, Journal of Thermal Science. v16, n4, p 309-320, November 2007.
19. 耿少娟,张宏武,朱俊强,黄伟光,“喷气对低速轴流压气机转子叶顶区域流动的影响”,工程热物理学报,2007, Vol.28(3),pp:395-398.
Shaojuan Geng, Hongwu Zhang, Junqiang Zhu, Weiguang Huang, Effects of micro air injection on rotor tip flow in a low-speed isolated axial compressor rotor, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, v 28, n 3, p 395-398, May 2007. (in Chinese)
20. 耿少娟,朱俊强,戴冀,黄伟光,“叶尖微喷气影响低速离心压气机特性的数值分析”,工程热物理学报,2006, Vol.27(3),pp:411-413.
Shaojuan Geng, Junqiang Zhu, Ji Dai, Weiguang Huang, Numerical study of the effects of steady tip injection on the performance of low-speed centrifugal compressor, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, v 27, n 3, p 411-413, May 2006. (in Chinese)
21. 耿少娟,聂超群,黄伟光,等,“不同叶轮形式下离心泵整机非定常流场的数值研究”,机械工程学报,2006, Vol.42(5),pp:27-31.
Shaojuan Geng, Chaoqun Nie, Weiguang Huang, et al, Numerical study of unsteady flow in centrifugal pump with different type of impellers, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, v 42, n 5, p 27-31, May 2006. (in Chinese)
22. 戴冀,耿少娟,黄伟光,“离心压气机顶部进气条件对叶轮内部流动的影响”,工程热物理学报,2005, Vol.26(5), pp:755-757.
Ji Dai, Shaojuan Geng, Weiguang Huang, Influence of inlet condition near shroud on internal flow of centrifugal compressor impeller, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, v 26, n 5, p 755-757, September 2005. (in Chinese) 会议论文:
1. Zinan Wang, Shaojuan Geng, Hongwu Zhang. Numerical Investigation on Interaction between Hub Clearance Flow and Corner Separation in a Planar Compressor Cascade. Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 18-20 August, 2014, Seoul, Korea, ACGT2014-0014.
2. Lei Gao, Shaojuan Geng, Hongwu Zhang. Numerical Study of Surface Roughness Effects on Compressor Cascade Performance. Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 18-20 August, 2014, Seoul, Korea, ACGT2014-0063.
3. Shaojuan Geng, Xiaoyu Zhang, Jichao Li, Long Zhao, Hongwu Zhang, Chaoqun Nie. Evolution of Pressure Signature Dominated by Unsteady Tip Leakage Flow. ASME Paper No.GT2013-94523.
4. Feng Lin, Zhiting Tong, Shaojuan Geng, Jingxuan Zhang, Jingyi Chen, Chaoqun Nie,A Summary of Stall Warning and Suppression Research with Micro tip Injection,ASME Paper No.GT2011-46118.
5. Shaojuan Geng, Feng Lin, Jingyi Chen, Chaoqun Nie, Evolution of Unsteady Flow near Rotor Tip during Stall Inception, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF10) 4-7 July 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Paper No.012.
6. Shaojuan Geng, Naixing Chen, Hongwu Zhang, Weiguang Huang, An Improvement on the Efficiency of a Single Rotor Transonic Compressor by Reducing the Shock Wave Strength on the Blade Suction Surfaces, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF10) 4-7 July 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Paper No.074.
7. Shaojuan Geng, Feng Lin, Jingyi Chen and Hongwu Zhang, Lei He, Circumferential Propagation of Self-induced Unsteady Tip Leakage Flow for a Low Speed Isolated Axial Compressor Rotor at Near Stall Point, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF9) 8~11 September 2009, Gyeongju, Korea, Paper No. 2A-4
8. Shaojuan Geng, Feng Lin, Jingyi Chen, Hongwu Zhang, Lei He, Effects of Multi-Passage Numerical Simulation Models on the Propagation of Tip Leakage Flow Unsteadiness, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 24-26 August, 2009, Tokyo, Japan, ACGT2009-TS21
9. Shaojuan Geng, Hongwu Zhang, Jingyi Chen, Weiguang Huang, Unsteady Tip Clearance Flow Pattern in an Isolated Axial Compressor Rotor with Micro Tip Injection (in English), the 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF), Lyon (France), July. 2-5, 2007.
10. Shaojuan Geng, Hongwu Zhang, Jingyi Chen, Weiguang Huang, Numerical Study on the Response of Tip Leakage Flow Unsteadiness to Micro Tip Injection in a Low-Speed Isolated Compressor Rotor, ASME Paper No.GT2007-27729.
(1) 两级对置式离心压气机湿压缩研究, 推进技术, 2020, 第 2 作者
(2) Circumferentially propagating characteristic dominated by unsteady tip leakage flow in axial flow compressors, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 第 2 作者
(3) 两级对置式离心压气机气动设计和强度校核, 中国舰船研究, 2019, 第 1 作者
(4) The Wet Compression Effect on An Opposed-Setting-Two-Stage Centrifugal Compressor, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 2018, 第 2 作者
(5) 来流边界层对压气机平面叶栅角区流动的影响, Effect of inlet boundary layer on corner flow in a linear compressor cascade, 推进技术, 2017, 第 2 作者
(6) 基于二维紧凑型四阶格子模型的激波管流动模拟, Simulating shock-tube flow with a two-dimensional compact fourth order model, 航空动力学报, 2017, 第 2 作者
(7) 可以恢复Navier-Stokes方程的3阶格子Boltzmann作用力模型, A third order lattice Boltzmann force model capable of recoving the Navier-Stokes equations, 航空动力学报, 2017, 第 3 作者
(8) 轴流压气机叶顶泄漏流与突尖先兆失稳机理的研究进展, Research Progress on Tip Leakage Flow and Spike-Inception Stall Mechanism in Axial Compressors, 推进技术, 2017, 第 4 作者
(9) 粗糙度对压气机叶栅损失特性影响的实验研究, 推进技术, 2016, 第 3 作者
(10) 叶栅倒角对压气机角区流动影响的数值模拟和实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2016, 第 3 作者
(11) 间隙变化对压气机静叶叶栅气动性能影响的实验研究, 航空学报, 2016, 第 2 作者
(12) 间隙和转速对轴流压气机非定常叶顶泄漏流周向传播特性影响的实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2016, 第 2 作者
(13) Decoupled scheme based on the Hermite expansion to construct lattice Boltzmann models for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with arbitrary specific heat ratio, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2016, 第 3 作者
(14) 压气机二维动叶栅流场非定常波动的大涡模拟, 航空动力学报, 2015, 第 2 作者
(15) 轴流压气机叶顶间隙泄漏流周向传播特性的实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2015, 第 3 作者
(16) 不同端壁间隙下压气机平面叶栅角区流动的数值模拟和实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2015, 第 3 作者
(17) Tip Leakage Flow Unsteadiness and its Propagation Features in Axial Compressor: Effect of Inlet Hub Distortion, International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 2015, 第 1 作者
(18) Circumferential Propagation Characteristic in the Blade Tip Region of an Axial Flow Compressor, International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 2015, 第 3 作者
(19) Numerical Investigation on Interaction between Hub Clearance Flow and Corner Separation in a Planar Compressor Cascade, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 2014, 第 2 作者
(20) Numerical Study of Surface Roughness Effects on Compressor Cascade Performance, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 2014, 第 2 作者
(21) 基于目标压力分布的压气机叶型粘性反问题设计方法, 汽轮机技术, 2014, 第 2 作者
(22) Evolution of Pressure Signature Dominated by Unsteady Tip Leakage Flow., ASME Paper, 2013, 第 1 作者
(23) 对旋式轴流风机变转速匹配性能研究, 机械设计与制造, 2012, 第 2 作者
(24) 轴流压气机叶顶端区流场周向传播特征及其预测, 机械工程学报, 2012, 第 1 作者
(25) An improvement on the efficiency of a single rotor transonic compressor by reducing the shock wave strength on the blade suction surfaces, Journal of Thermal Science, 2012, 第 1 作者
(26) 对旋式轴流风机变环量流型改进设计, The Improved Design of a Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fan with Variable Circulation Flow Pattern, 风机技术, 2011, 第 2 作者
(27) 对旋式轴流风机变转速匹配性能研究, Numerical study on the matching performance of contra-rotating axial flow fan , 机械设计与制造, 2011, 第 2 作者
(28) Evolution of Unsteady Flow near Rotor Tip during Stall Inception, Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2011, 第 1 作者
(29) An Improvement on the Efficiency of a Single Rotor Transonic Compressor by Reducing the Shock Wave Strength on the Blade Suction Surfaces, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 2011, 第 1 作者
(30) 不同叶轮形式下离心泵噪声特性对比研究, Comparison of Noise Characteristics in Centrifugal Pumps with Different Types of Impellers, 声学学报, 2010, 第 2 作者
(32) 一种基于声相似律的旋转流体机械噪声声源分离方法, A Method for Quantifying the Source of Flow Noise in Turbomachines Based on Acoustical Similarity Law, 声学学报, 2010, 第 3 作者
(34) Circumferential Propagation of Tip Leakage Flow Unsteadiness for a Low Speed Compressor, Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2009, 第 1 作者
(35) Effects of Multi-Passage Numerical Simulation Models on the Propagation of Tip Leakage Flow Unsteadiness, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 2009, 第 1 作者