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数学与系统科学研究院巩馥洲 男 博导










-- 研究生 
-- 博士 





现任中国工业与应用数学学会常务理事、中国统计学会理事、《应用数学学报》常务副主编、《Acta Mathematicae Sinica (English Series)》、《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series)》、《Northeastern Mathematical Journal》、《Journal of Mathematical Research with Application》、《Advance in Mathematics and Statistics》、《应用数学》、《纯粹数学与应用数学》以及《Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter》编委,曾任中国数学会第九届理事会秘书长和常务理事、中国数学会第十届理事会副理事长和常务理事、中国数学会法人代表、 中国数学会华罗庚数学奖和陈身省数学奖评委、 中国数学会中国数学发展基金管委会委员、中国数学会钟家庆基金会执委会委员、《Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes》编委。





国家杰出青年基金获得者,首批中组部“万人计划——百千万工程领军人才”人选,中科院“****”人选,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。 获第九届“陈省身数学奖”,香港求是科技基金会“杰出青年学者奖”。 


1. Q. R. Liu, S. T. Tong, F. Z. Gong, and W. G. Sun : The condensation extension and the multiple positive fixed points of the condensing mapping, Acta Math. Scientia, vol.13 (1993), No.3, 293-307 
2. X. Q. Li and Z. B. Su, F. Z. Gong : Quantum dynamics of a dissipative particle in a constant field: Exact path-integral approach, Physical review B, Vol.49(1994), No.23, 16277-16282,SCI 
3. 巩馥洲:完备赋准范空间上一类无界线性随机算子的谱分解定理,数学进展,卷23,期5(1994),432-438 
4. F. Z. Gong, Z. M. Ma: Quasi-sare analysis on Ito’s Wiener space, C. R. Acad Sci. ,Paris, sér.I, t.321(1995), 1609-1614, SCI 
5. F. Z. Gong : A note on generalized Gross and Minols theorems, Proceeding of International Conference for Dirichlet forms and Stochastic analysis (ed. By Z,. M. Ma, M. Röckner, and J. A. Yan), Walter de Gruyter and Co. D-10785, Berlin/New York, 1995,171-173 
6. F. Z. Gong, Z.M. Ma : Invariance of Malliavin fields on Ito’s Wiener space and on abstract Wiener spaces, J. of Funct. Anal.,Vol.138(1996), no.2, 449-476, SCI 
7. 董昭, 巩馥洲: 预解核对应的狄氏型是拟正则的充要条件,应用数学学报,卷20,期3(1997),378-385 
8. F. Z. Gong, Z.M. Ma : Martingale representation and log-Sobolev inequality on loop space, C. R. Acadi. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. t. 326(1998), 749-753, SCI 
9. F. Z. Gong, Z.M. Ma : The log-Sobolev inequality on loop space over a compact Riemannian manifold, J. Funct. Anal.,Vol.157(1998), No.2, 599-623, SCI 
10. 巩馥洲, 董昭: 局部凸空间上的试验函数和分布空间的嵌入定理及其应用,《数学学报》, 卷42,期2(1999), 335-342 
11. 董昭,巩馥洲: 关于马氏半群遍历性的一个注记,应用概率与统计,卷16,期2(2000), 31-35 
12. 巩馥洲, 董昭: 正泛函的积分表示定理和零容度集的刻画,系统科学与数学,卷20,期2(2000),160-165 
13. F. Z. Gong, Q. L. Hu : Generalized Wiener functionals, White nose functionals, and distributions on real Schwartz generalized functionals spaces, Advances in Math.(China), Vol.29, No. 2(2000), 983-988 
14. G. G. Sun, J. H. Li, F. Z. Gong, S. L. Luo, Z. M. Ma : Stochastic analysis of particle-fluid two phase flows, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 9(2000), 806-811, SCI 
15. F. Z. Gong, L. M. Wu : Spectral gap of positive operators and applications, C. R. Acadi. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. t. 331(2000), 983-988, SCI 
16. F. Z. Gong, M. Roeckner, L. M. Wu : Poincare inequality for weighted first order Sobolev spaces on loop spaces, J. Funct. Anal.,Vol.185(2001),527-563, SCI 
17. F. Z. Gong, F. Y. Wang : Heat kernel estimates with application to compactness of manifolds, Quarterly J. Math., Vol.52(2001),171-180, SCI 
18. F. Z. Gong, F. Y. Wang : Functional inequalities for uniformly integrable semigroups and applications, Forum Math.,14(2002),293-313,SCI 
19. F. Z. Gong, : Exponential integrability for images of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators acting on cylinder functions on loop spaces, Infinite dimensional analysis,Quantum Probability and related topics,Vol.5,No.4(2002),541-553, SCI 
20. F. Z. Gong, F. Y. Wang : On Gromov’s Theorem and L^2-Hodge decomposition,International J. Math.and Math.Science,2004, No.1,25-44, 
21. F. Z. Gong, Liming Wu: Spectral gap of positive operators and its applications, J.Math.Pures Appl.,85(2006),151-191,SCI 
22. F. Z. Gong, J.X. Zhang: Flows associated to adapted fields on the Wiener space, J. Funct. Anal., Vol.253(2007), 647-674,SCI 
23. . Fuzhou Gong, Hong Liu. The mixed Equilibrium of Insider Trading in the Market with Rational Expected Price, “Stochastic analysis and Applications to Finance”, World Scientific, 2012, pp.197-224. 
24. . Fuzhou Gong, Hong Liu. Inside Trading, Public Disclosure and Imperfect Competition. International Review of Economics & Finance, Volume 24, June 2012, Pages 200–223. 
25. 巩馥洲,概率统计的研究与发展,中国科学院院刊,27(2012),175-188. 
26. X. Liu, S. He, G. Skogerbø, F. Gong, R. Chen: Integrated sequence-structure motifs suffice to identify microRNA precursors, PLoS One, 7(3) (2012), e32797 
27. Fuzhou GONG, Yuan LIU and Zhi-ying WEN:Some Notes on Ricci-Ollivier Curvature, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Volume 50, Number 2 (2013), 491-502 
28. X. Tian, F. Gong and S.H. Zhang; Detect taxonomy-specific pathways’ associations with environmental factors,ISB 2013 
29. Fu-ZhouGong,Yong Liu,Yuan Liu, De-Jun Luo; Spectral gaps of Schrödinger operators and diffusion operators on abstract Wiener spaces, J. of Functional Analysis 266(2014), 5639–5675 
30. Xiuqin Liu, Jun Ding, Fuzhou Gong. piRNA Identification Based on Motif Discovery." Molecular Biosystems 10.12(2014):3075-3080. 
31. GONG FuZhou, LIU Yuan; Ergodicity and asymptotic stability of Feller 
semigroups on Polish metric spaces, Science in China-Mathematics, June 2015 Vol. 58 No. 6: 1235–1250 






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