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中国科学院植物研究所 郭亚龙 男 博导







       自交不亲和(self-incompatibility, SI)在很多有花植物中都存在,它的遗传决定位点被称为自交不亲和位点(S locus)。植物可以通过排斥自己的或与自己具有类似自交不亲和位点的花粉从而保持异交。通过群体遗传学、比较基因组学及分子遗传学方法来揭示自交不亲和位点进化的基本规律及其对物种形成的贡献。对自交不亲和系统的进化及功能方面的深入研究不仅具有重要的理论价值,而且对育种科学有重大的应用价值。下一步的研究主要从物种形成方面展开,重点探讨生殖隔离的形成机制及其与物种形成的关系。





2001-09--2005-07   中国科学院植物研究所   博士
1998-09--2001-07   兰州大学   硕士
1994-09--1998-07   西北师范大学   学士


2011-09--今 中国科学院植物研究所 研究员
2005-09--2011-08 德国马普发育生物学研究所 博士后










§共同第一作者,* 通讯作者)

Niu XM§, Xu YC§, Li ZW, Bian YT, Hou XH, Chen JF, Zou YP, Jiang J, Wu Q, Ge S, Balasubramanian S, Guo YL*. 2019. Transposable elements drive rapid phenotypic variation in Capsella rubellaProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 6908-6913. (Cover story)

Xu YC, Niu XM, Li XX, He W, Chen JF, Zou YP, Wu Q, Zhang YE, Busch W, Guo YL*. 2019. Adaptation and phenotypic diversification through loss-of-function mutations in Arabidopsis protein-coding genes. Plant Cell doi: 10.1105/tpc.18.00791.

[For perspectives on this work, see: Caseys C. 2019. Loss-of-function, a strategy for adaptation in. Plant Cell doi: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.001951]

Cai Z, Zhou L, Ren NN, Xu X, Liu R, Huang L, Zheng XM, Meng QL, Du YS, Wang MX, Geng MF, Chen WL, Jing CY, Zou XH, Guo J, Chen CB, Zeng HZ, Liang YT, Wei XH, Guo YL, Zhou HF, Zhang FM, Ge S*. 2019. Parallel speciation of wild rice associated with habitat shifts. Mol Biol Evol doi: 10.1093/molbev/msz1029.

郭亚龙*. 2019. 拟南芥及其近缘种的适应性进化研究. 中国科学:生命科学 doi: 10.1360/N052018-00202.

Yan Z, Hou X, Han W, Ma S, Shen H, Guo YL, Fang J*. 2019. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on stoichiometry of six elements in leaves of Arabidopsis thalianaAnnals of Botany 123: 441-450.

Mao D, Xin Y, Tan Y, Hu X, Bai J, Liu ZY, Yu Y, Li L, Peng C, Fan T, Zhu Y, Guo YL, Wang S, Lu D, Xing Y, Yuan L*, Chen C*. 2019. Natural variation in the HAN1 gene confers chilling tolerance in rice and allowed adaptation to a temperate climate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 3494-3501.

Yang L, Wang HN, Hou XH, Zou YP, Han TS, Niu XM, Zhang J, Zhao Z, Todesco M, Balasubramanian S, Guo YL*. 2018. Parallel evolution of common allelic variants confers flowering diversity in Capsella rubellaPlant Cell 30: 1322-1336.

[For perspectives on this work, see: 1) Moyers BT. 2018. Is Genetic Evolution Predictable? Plant Cell 30: 1171-1172. 2) Faculty of 1000 Biology:https://f1000.com/prime/733248611#]

Shen Y, Zhang J, Liu Y, Liu S, Liu Z, Duan Z, Wang Z, Zhu B, Guo YL, and Tian Z*. 2018. DNA methylation footprints during soybean domestication and improvement. Genome Biology 19: 128.

Li ZW, Hou XH, Chen JF, Xu YC, Wu Q, González J, Guo YL*. 2018. Transposable elements contribute to the adaptation of Arabidopsis thaliana.Genome Biology and Evolution 10: 2140-2150.

Yan Z, Li X, Tian D, Han W, Hou X, Shen H, Guo YL, Fang J*. 2018. Nutrient addition affects scaling relationship of leaf nitrogen to phosphorus in Arabidopsis thalianaFunctional Ecology 32: 2689-2698.

Zou YP, Hou XH, Wu Q, Chen JF, Li ZW, Han TS, Niu XM, Yang L, Xu YC, Zhang J, Zhang FM, Tan D, Tian Z, Gu H, Guo YL*. 2017. Adaptation of Arabidopsis thaliana to the Yangtze River basin. Genome Biology 18: 239.

Wu Q, Han TS, Chen X, Chen JF, Zou YP, Li ZW, Xu YC, Guo YL*2017. Long-term balancing selection contributes to adaptation in Arabidopsis and its relatives.Genome Biology 18: 217.

[For a perspective on this work, see: Wang B, Mitchell-Olds T. 2017. Balancing selection and trans-specific polymorphisms. Genome Biology 18: 231]

Li W, Zhang F, Wu R, Jia L, Li G, Guo YL, Liu C, Wang G*. 2017. A novel N-methyltransferase in Arabidopsis appears to feed a conserved pathway for nicotinate detoxification among land plants and is associated with lignin biosynthesis. Plant Physiology 174: 1492-1504.

Li ZW, Chen X, Wu Q, Hagmann J, Han TS, Zou YP, Ge S, Guo YL*. 2016. On the origin of de novo genes in Arabidopsis thaliana populations. Genome Biology and Evolution 8: 2190-2202.

Yan Z, Guan H, Han W, Han TS, Guo YL, Fang J*. 2016. Reproductive organ and young tissues show constrained elemental composition in Arabidopsis thaliana.Annals of Botany 117: 431-439.

Han TS, Wu Q, Hou XH, Li ZW, Zou YP, Ge S, Guo YL*. 2015. Frequent introgressions from diploid species contribute to the adaptation of the tetraploid Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Molecular Plant 8: 427-438. (Cover story)

Yan Z, Kim N, Han W, Guo YL, Han TS, Du E, Fang J*. 2015. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on growth rate, leaf stoichiometry, and nutrient resorption of Arabidopsis thalianaPlant Soil 388: 147-155.

Slotte T, Hazzouri KM, Agren JA, Koenig D, Maumus F, Guo YL, Steige K, Platts AE, Escobar JS, Newman LK, Wang W, Mandáková T, Vello E, Smith LM, Henz SR, Steffen J, Takuno S, Brandvain Y, Coop G, Andolfatto P, Hu TT, Blanchette M, Clark RM, Quesneville H, Nordborg M, Gaut BS, Lysak MA, Jenkins J, Grimwood J, Chapman J, Prochnik S, Shu S, Rokhsar D, Schmutz J, Weigel D*, Wright SI*.2013. The Capsella rubella genome and the genomic consequences of rapid mating system evolution. Nature Genetics 45: 831-835.

Guo YL*2013. Gene family evolution in green plants with emphasis on the origination and evolution of Arabidopsis thaliana genes. Plant Journal 73: 941-951.

Guo YL, Todesco M, Hagmann J, Das S, Weigel D*. 2012. Independent FLC mutations as causes of flowering time variation in Arabidopsis thaliana andCapsella rubellaGenetics 192: 729-739.

Guo YL, Fitz J, Schneeberger K, Ossowski S, Cao J, Weigel D*. 2011. Genome-wide comparison of NB-LRR encoding resistance genes in ArabidopsisPlant Physiology 157: 757-769.

Guo YL§*, Zhao X§, Lanz C, Weigel D. 2011. Evolution of S-locus region inArabidopsis thaliana relatives. Plant Physiology 157: 937-946.

Hu TT§, Pattyn P§, Bakker EG, Cao J, Cheng JF, Clark RM, Fahlgren N, Fawcett JA, Grimwood J, Gundlach H, Haberer G, Hollister JD, Ossowski S, Ottilar RP, Salamov A, Schneeberger K, Spannagl M, Wang X, Yang L, Nasrallah ME, Bergelson J, Carrington JC, Gaut BS, Schmutz J, Mayer KFX, Van De Peer Y, Grigoriev IV, Nordborg M, Weigel D*Guo YL*2011. The Arabidopsis lyratagenome sequence and the basis of rapid genome size change. Nature Genetics43: 476-481.

Hollister JD, Smith LM, Guo YL, Ott F, Weigel D*, Gaut BS*. 2011. Transposable elements and small RNAs contribute to gene expression divergence betweenArabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrataProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108: 2322-2327.

Wahl V, Brand LH, Guo YL, Schmid M*. 2010. The FANTASTIC FOUR proteins influence shoot meristem size in Arabidopsis thalianaBMC Plant Biology 10: 285.

Guo YL§, Bechsgaard JS§, Slotte T, Neuffer B, Lascoux M, Weigel D*, Schierup MH*2009. Recent speciation of Capsella rubella from C. grandiflora, associated with loss of self-incompatibility and an extreme bottleneck. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 5246-5251.

[For perspectives on this work, see: 1) Pannell JR. 2009. Mating-system evolution: genies from a bottleneck. Current Biology 19(9): R369-R370. 2) Faculty of 1000 Biology: http://f1000.com/1158981]

Tang C, Toomajian C, Sherman-Broyles S, Plagnol V, Guo YL, Hu TT, Clark RM, Nasrallah JB, Weigel D, Nordborg M*. 2007. The evolution of selfing inArabidopsis thalianaScience 317: 1070-1072.

[For a perspective on this work, see Faculty of 1000 Biology:http://f1000.com/1089382]

郭亚龙, 葛颂*. 2006稻族的系统发育及其研究进展植物分类学报 44: 211-230.

Guo YL, Ge S*. 2005. Molecular phylogeny of Oryzeae (Poaceae) based on DNA sequences from chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. American Journal of Botany 92: 1548-1558.

[For a perspective on this work, see Faculty of 1000 Biology:http://f1000.com/1029056]







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