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中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 韩梦瑶











中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员,硕士生导师。2016年毕业于北京大学获理学博士学位,2018年评为副研究员/硕士生导师,主要研究方向为区域关联与环境效应、“一带一路”资源环境评估、隐含资源环境要素流动、能源基建环境效应模拟、全球尺度碳泄露研究等。长期从事省域、国家及全球资源利用及环境排放模拟研究,作为主要作者发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文30余篇,多篇论文入选Web of Science高引论文、Science Direct Hottest Articles、Elsevier Atlas Award Article、Renewable Energy Key Scientific Article等。主持/参与国家自然基金项目、国家重点研发计划、院先导科技专项、第三方评估项目、亚洲开发银行等科研项目20余项,合著出版著作4部。作为贡献作者参与国家第四次气候变化评估报告及“一带一路”特别报告编撰,当选中国投入产出学会第十届理事会理事,参与完成2012年31省区市42部门中国区域间投入产出表编制,担任Nature Communications、Applied Energy、Water Research、Land Use Policy、Journal of Cleaner Production等国际知名学术期刊评审人。


(1)区域可持续发展与模拟 (2)“一带一路”资源环境评估 (3)能源基建环境效应模拟




















联系方式:010-64888246; hanmy@igsnrr.ac.cn











−      Han M.Y., Chen G.Q., Dunford M., 2019. Land use balance for urban economy: A multi-scale and multi-type perspective. Land Use Policy, 83, 323-333.

−      Li Y.L., Han M.Y.(*), Liu S.Y., et al., 2019. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by buildings: A multi-scale perspective. Building and Environment, 151, 240-250.

−      Han M.Y., Zhang B., Zhang Y.Q., et al., 2019. Agricultural CH4 and N2O emissions of major economies: Consumption- vs. production-based perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 210, 276-286.

−      Liu S.Y., Zhang G.X., Han M.Y.(*), et al., 2019. Freshwater costs of seawater desalination: Systems process analysis for the case plant in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 212, 677-686.

−      Han M.Y., Yao Q.H, Liu W.D., et al., 2018. Tracking embodied carbon flows in the Belt and Road regions. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(9), 1263-1274.

−      Han M.Y., Chen G.Q., 2018. Global arable land transfers embodied in Mainland China’s foreign trade. Land Use Policy, 70, 521-534.

−      Han M.Y., Chen G.Q., Li Y.L., 2018. Global water transfers embodied in international trade: Tracking imbalanced and inefficienct flows. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 50-64.

−      Niu F.Q., Han M.Y.(*), 2018. Urban floorspace distribution and development prediction based on floorspace development model. Computers Environment & Urban Systems, 69, 63-73.

−      Li Y.L., Chen B., Han M.Y.(*), 2018. Tracking carbon transfers embodied in Chinese municipalities' domestic and foreign trade. Journal of Cleaner Production, 192, 950-960.

−      Li Y.L., Han M.Y.(*), 2018. Embodied water demands, transfers and imbalance of China’s mega-cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 1336-1345.

−      Liu S.Y., Wu X.D., Han M.Y.(*), et al., 2017. A three-scale input-output analysis of water use in a regional economy: Hebei province in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 156, 962-974.

−      Han M.Y., Ji X., 2016. Alternative industrial carbon emissions benchmark based on input-output analysis. Frontiers of Earth Science, 10(4), 731-739.

−      Han M.Y., Chen G.Q., Mustafa, M.T., et al., 2015. Embodied water for urban economy: A three-scale input-output analysis for Beijing 2010. Ecological Modelling, 318, 19-25.

−      Han M.Y., Chen G.Q., Meng, J., et al., 2015. Virtual water accounting for a building construction engineering project with nine sub-projects: A case in E-town, Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 4691-4700.

−      Chen G.Q., Han M.Y.(*), 2015. Virtual land use change in China 2002-2010: Internal transition and trade imbalance. Land Use Policy, 47, 55-65.

−      Chen G.Q., Han M.Y.(*), 2015. Global supply chain of arable land use: Production-based and consumption-based trade imbalance. Land Use Policy, 49, 118-130.

−      Han M.Y., Sui X., Huang Z.L., et al., 2014. Bibliometric indicators for sustainable hydropower development. Ecological Indicators, 47, 231-238.

−      Han M.Y., Shao L., Li J.S., et al., 2014. Emergy-based hybrid evaluation for commercial construction engineering: A case study in BDA. Ecological Indicators, 47, 179-188.

−      Han M.Y., Chen G.Q., Shao L., et al., 2013. Embodied energy consumption of building construction engineering: Case study in E-town, Beijing. Energy and Buildings, 64, 62-72.

−      Han M.Y., Yang Q., Wu X.D., et al., 2013. SWOC analysis on CCS: A case for oxy-fuel combustion CO2 capture system. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 1(4), 333-343.

−      Chen, B., Han, M.Y., Peng, K., et al., 2018. Global land-water nexus: Agricultural land and freshwater use embodied in worldwide supply chains. Science of the Total Environment, 613-614, 931-943.

−      Liu S.Y., Han M.Y., Wu X.D., et al., 2018, Embodied water analysis for Hebei Province, China by input-output modeling. Frontiers of Earth Science, 12, 72-85.

−      Wu X.D., Guo J.L., Han M.Y., et al., 2018. An overview of arable land use for the world economy: From source to sink via the global supply chain. Land Use Policy, 76, 201-214.

−      Zhang Y.W., Shao L., Sun X.D., Han M.Y., et al., 2018. Outsourcing natural resource requirements within China. Journal of Environmental Management, 228, 292-302.

−      Zhang B., Zhao X.L., Wu X.F., Han M.Y., et al., 2018. Consumption-based accounting of global anthropogenic CH4 emissions. Earth’s Future, 6, 1349-1363.

−      Wu X.D., Guo J.L., Li C.H., Shao L., Han M.Y., et al., 2019. An overview of virtual water use by the world economy from source of exploitation to sink of final consumption. Journal of Hydrology, 573, 794-810.

−      Chen B., Li J.S., Wu X.F., Han M.Y., et al., 2018. Global energy flows embodied in international trade: A combination of environmentally extended input-output analysis and complex network analysis. Applied Energy, 210, 98-107.














    2012年中国31省区市42部门区域间投入产出表, 中国统计出版社

 共建绿色丝绸之路:资源环境基础与社会经济背景, 商务印书馆

    Joint Construction of Green Silk Roads: Social, Economic and Environmental Context, 商务印书馆

 “一带一路”建设进展第三方评估报告, 商务印书馆​




















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