(1) Compound leaves are associated with high hydraulic conductance and photosynthetic capacity: evidence from trees in Northest China, Tree Physiology, 2019, 第 11 作者
(2) Hydraulic traits are coordinated with maximum plant height at the global scale, Science Advances, 2019, 第 3 作者
(3) The effects of intervessel pit characteristics on xylem hydraulic efficiency and photosynthesis in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus species, Physiologia Plantarum, 2019, 第 2 作者
(4) The interaction between nonstructural carbohydrate reserves and xylem hydraulics in Korean pine trees across an altitudinal gradient, Tree Physiology, 2018, 第 11 作者
(5) Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelgidaetsugae) infestation on xylem structure and function and leaf physiology in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), Functional Plant Biology, 2018, 第 3 作者
(6) 长白山阔叶树种木质部环孔和散孔结构特征的分化导致其水力学 性状的显著差异, 应用生态学报, 2018, 第 11 作者
(7) Photosynthesis and growth responses of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. seedlings to a gradient of simulated nitrogen deposition, Annals of Forest Science, 2018, 第 11 作者
(8) Elevated ozone concentration decreases whole-plant hydraulic conductance and disturbs water use regulation in soybean plants, Physiologia Plantarum, 2018, 第 11 作者
(9) The influence of a five-year nitrogen fertilization treatment on hydraulic architecture of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in a water-limited plantation of NE China, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 第 11 作者
(10) Correlation between leaf size and hydraulic architecture in five compound-leaved tree species of a temperate forest in NE China, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 第 11 作者
(11) Coordinated responses of plant hydraulic architecture with the reduction of stomatal conductance under elevated CO2 concentration, Tree Physiology, 2018, 第 1 作者
(12) Divergent adaptive strategies to cope with frost fatigue in co-occurring temperate tree species with and without positive xylem pressures, New Phytologist, 2018, 第 11 作者
(13) Hydraulics play an important role in causing reduced growth rate and dieback of aging Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees in plantations of NE China, Plant Cell and Environment, 2018, 第 11 作者
(14) Trade off between Stem Hydraulic Efficiency and Mechanical Strength Affects Leaf-Stem Allometry in 28 Ficus Tree Species, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 第 5 作者
(15) Floral mass per area and water maintenance traits are correlated with floral longevity in Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae), Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 第 6 作者
(16) Divergences in hydraulic architecture form an important basis for niche differentiations between diploid and polyploid Betula species in NE China, TreePhysiology, 2017, 第 11 作者
(17) Microenvironment in the canopy rivals the host tree water status in controlling sap flow of a mistletoe species, Tree Physiology, 2017, 第 11 作者
(18) Divergence in strategies for coping with winter embolism among co-occurring temperate tree species: the role of positive xylem pressure, wood type and tree stature, Functional Ecology, 2017, 第 11 作者
(19) Responses of hydraulics at the whole-plant level to simulated nitrogen deposition of different levels in Fraxinus mandshurica, Tree Physiology, 2016, 第 11 作者
(20) Freezing resistance in Patagonian woody shrubs: the role of cell wall elasticity and stem vessel size, Tree Physiology, 2016, 第 5 作者
(21) Salt management strategy defines the stem and leaf hydraulic characteristics of six mangrove tree species, Tree Physiology, 2016, 第 4 作者
(22) Differentiation of water-related traits in terrestrial and epiphytic Cymbidium species, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 第 3 作者
(23) Coordination of xylem hydraulics and stomatal regulation in keeping the integrity of xylem water transport in shoots of two compound-leaved tree specie, Tree Physiology, 2015, 第 11 作者
(24) Hemiepiphytic trees: Ficus as a model system for understanding hemiepiphytism, Tropical Tree Physiology: adaptations and responses in a changing environment, 2015, 第 11 作者
(25) Water storage dynamics in the main stem of subtropical tree species differing in wood density, growth rate and life history trait, Tree Physiology, 2015, 第 10 作者
(26) Water storage discharge and refilling in the main stems of canopy tree species investigated using frequency domain reflectometry and electonic point dendrometers, Proceeding of the Ninth International Workshop on Sap Flow, 2013, 第 7 作者
(27) Investigating xylem embolism formation, refilling and water storage in tree trunks using frequency domain reflectometry, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013, 第 1 作者
(28) Is hemiepiphytism an adaptation to high irradiance Testing seedling responses to light levels and drought in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus, Physiologia Plantarum, 2013, 第 1 作者
(29) Polyploidy enhances the occupation of heterogeneous environments through hydraulic related trade-offs in Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae). , New Phytologist, 2013, 第 1 作者
(30) Hydraulic conductivity traits predict growth rates and adult stature of 40 Asian tropical tree species better than wood density, Journal of Ecology, 2012, 第 3 作者
(31) Photosynthetic thermotolerance of woody savanna species in China is correlated with leaf life span, Annals of Botany, 2012, 第 3 作者
(32) Differentiation in light energy dissipation between hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus species with contrasting xylem hydraulic conductivity, Tree Physiology, 2011, 第 1 作者
(33) Ecology of hemi-epiphytism in fig species is based on evolutionary coordination of hydraulics and carbon economy, Ecology, 2011, 第 1 作者
(34) Differentiation of leaf water flux and drought tolerance traits in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus tree species, Functional Ecology, 2010, 第 1 作者
(35) Hydraulic redistribution in dwarf Rhizophora mangle trees driven by interstitial soil water salinity gradients: impacts on hydraulic architecture and gas exchange, Tree Physiology, 2009, 第 1 作者
(36) Size-dependent mortality in a Neotropical savanna tree: the role of height-related adjustments in hydraulic architecture and carbon allocation, Plant, Cell and Environment, 2009, 第 3 作者
(37) Water relations and hydraulic architecture in Cerrado trees: adjustments to seasonal changes in water availability and evaporative demand, Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2008, 第 7 作者
(38) 云南元江干热河谷木本植物的物候, 武汉植物学研究, 2008, 第 2 作者
(39) Stem and leaf hydraulics of congeneric tree species from adjacent tropical savanna and forest ecosystems, Oecologia, 2008, 第 1 作者
(40) 季节性干旱胁迫对石灰山三种常绿优势树种的水分和光合生理的影响, 云南植物研究, 2007, 第 3 作者