赵新章 硕士研究生 085211-计算机技术
陈洪波 硕士研究生 085211-计算机技术
鲁莎 硕士研究生 081203-计算机应用技术
马庆丽 硕士研究生 085212-软件工程
杨陈皓 硕士研究生 081203-计算机应用技术
金灿灿 硕士研究生 085212-软件工程
冉晏华 硕士研究生 085212-软件工程
刘磊 硕士研究生 081203-计算机应用技术
郑直 硕士研究生 081203-计算机应用技术
Cancan Jin, Ben He, Kai Hui, Le Sun: TDNN: A Two-stage Deep Neural Network for Prompt-independent Automated Essay Scoring. ACL (1) 2018: 1088-1097
Canjia Li, Yingfei Sun, Ben He, Le Wang, Kai Hui, Andrew Yates, Le Sun, Jungang Xu: NPRF: A Neural Pseudo Relevance Feedback Framework for Ad-hoc Information Retrieval. EMNLP 2018: 4482-4491
Yanhua Ran, Ben He, Kai Hui, Jungang Xu, Le Sun: A document-based neural relevance model for effective clinical decision support. BIBM 2017: 798-804
Xin Zhang, Ben He, Tiejian Luo: Training query filtering for semi-supervised learning to rank with pseudo labels. World Wide Web 19(5): 833-864 (2016)
Qingli Ma, Ben He, Jungang Xu, Bin Wang: A Set-Based Training Query Classification Approach for Twitter Search. WAIM (1) 2016: 491-503
Hongbo Chen, Jungang Xu, Ben He: Automated Essay Scoring by Capturing Relative Writing Quality. Comput. J. 57(9): 1318-1330 (2014)
Hongbo Chen, Ben He: Automated Essay Scoring by Maximizing Human-Machine Agreement. EMNLP 2013: 1741-1752
Sha Lu, Ben He, Jungang Xu: Hyper-geometric Model for Information Retrieval Revisited. AIRS 2013: 62-73
Xin Zhang, Ben He, Tiejian Luo, Dongxing Li, Jungang Xu: Clustering-based transduction for learning a ranking model with limited human labels. CIKM 2013: 1777-1782
Xin Zhang, Ben He, Tiejian Luo, Baobin Li: Query-biased learning to rank for real-time twitter search. CIKM 2012: 1915-1919
Xin Zhang, Ben He, Tiejian Luo: Transductive Learning for Real-Time Twitter Search. ICWSM 2012
Ben He, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Xiaofeng Zhou: Modeling term proximity for probabilistic information retrieval models. Inf. Sci. 181(14): 3017-3031 (2011)
Kai Hui, Ben He, Tiejian Luo, Bin Wang: A Comparative Study of Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Ad-hoc Retrieval. ICTIR 2011: 318-322
Zheng Ye, Ben He, Xiangji Huang, Hongfei Lin: Revisiting Rocchio's Relevance Feedback Algorithm for Probabilistic Models. AIRS 2010: 151-161
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: Finding good feedback documents. CIKM 2009: 2011-2014
Rodrygo L. T. Santos, Ben He, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis: Integrating Proximity to Subjective Sentences for Blog Opinion Retrieval. ECIR 2009: 325-336
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: Studying Query Expansion Effectiveness. ECIR 2009: 611-619
Ben He, Craig Macdonald, Jiyin He, Iadh Ounis: An effective statistical approach to blog post opinion retrieval. CIKM 2008: 1063-1072
Ben He, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis: Retrieval sensitivity under training using different measures. SIGIR 2008: 67-74
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: On setting the hyper-parameters of term frequency normalization for information retrieval. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 25(3): 13 (2007)
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: Parameter sensitivity in the probabilistic model for ad-hoc retrieval. CIKM 2007: 263-272
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: Query performance prediction. Inf. Syst. 31(7): 585-594 (2006)
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: A study of the dirichlet priors for term frequency normalisation. SIGIR 2005: 465-471
Rachel Tsz-Wai Lo, Ben He, Iadh Ounis: Automatically Building a Stopword List for an Information Retrieval System. JDIM 3(1): 3-8 (2005)
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: Inferring Query Performance Using Pre-retrieval Predictors.. SPIRE 2004: 43-54
Ben He, Iadh Ounis: A study of parameter tuning for term frequency normalization. CIKM 2003: 10-16