Xu He and Peter Z. G. Qian (2011). Nested orthogonal array based Latin hypercube designs, Biometrika, 98: 721-731.
Xu He and Peter Z. G. Qian (2014). A central limit theorem for general orthogonal array based space-filling designs, Annals of Statistics, 42(5): 1725-1750.
Wei-Yin Loh, Xu He and Michael Man (2015). A regression tree approach to identifying subgroups with differential treatment effects, Statistics in Medicine, 34(11): 1818-1833.
Youngdeok Hwang, Xu He and Peter Z. G. Qian (2016). Sliced orthogonal array based Latin hypercube designs,Technometrics, 58(1): 50-61.
Xu He and Peter Z. G. Qian (2016). A central limit theorem for nested or sliced Latin hypercube designs,Statistica Sinica, 26: 1117-1128.
Xu He, Rui Tuo and C. F. Jeff Wu (2017). Optimization of multi-fidelity computer experiments via the EQIE criterion, Technometrics, 59(1): 58-68.
Xu He (2017). Rotated sphere packing designs, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112(520): 1612-1622.
Xu He (2017). Interleaved lattice-based minimax distance designs, Biometrika, 104(3): 713-725.
Xiaodong Li, Xu He, Yuanzhen He, Hui Zhang, Zhong Zhang and Dennis K.J. Lin (2017). The design and analysis for the icing wind tunnel experiment of a new deicing coating, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112(520): 1417-1429.
Shifeng Xiong*, Xu He, Yuanzhen He and Weiyan Mu (2018). Sensitivity analysis using permutations, Statistica Sinica, 28: 817-837.
Xu He and Peter Chien* (2018). On the instability issue of gradient-enhanced Gaussian process emulators for computer experiments, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 6(2): 627-644.
Jin Xu, Xu He*, Xiaojun Duan and Zhengming Wang (2018). Sliced Latin hypercube designs for computer experiments with unequal batch sizes, IEEE Access, 6: 60396-60402.
Xu He (2018). Sliced rotated sphere packing designs, Technometrics, accepted, DOI: 10.1080/00401706.2018.1458655.
Xu He (2019). Interleaved lattice-based maximin distance designs, Biometrika, 106(2): 453-464.
2018 - ,Journal of Applied Statistics,编委(associate editor)
2018 – ,全国工业统计学教学研究会,理事
2018 - ,中国工业与应用数学学会不确定性量化专委会,常务理事
2014 - ,中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会,理事
统计学与数学青年学者论坛,Interleaved lattice-based maximin distance designs,2018年11月,北京
第十一届全国概率统计会议,On the quasi-Latin hypercube property of some lattice-based designs,2018年10月,成都
中国工业与应用数学学会第十六届年会,Lattice-based design of computer experiments with quasi-uniform projections,2018年9月,成都
2018泛华统计学会中国会议,On the instability issue of gradient-enhanced Gaussian process emulators for computer experiments, 2018年7月,青岛
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ18),Interleaved lattice-based minimax distance designs,2018年4月,美国洛杉矶
2018南科大试验设计青年论坛,Sliced rotated sphere packing designs,2018年3月,深圳
中国科学技术大学2018全国青年统计学者会议,Rotated sphere packing designs,2018年1月,合肥
2018南开试验设计论坛,On the quasi-Latin hypercube property of some lattice-based designs,2018年1月,天津
中国工业与应用数学学会第十五届年会(CSIAM2017),Interleaved lattice-based minimax distance designs,2017年10月,青岛
2017全国试验设计及其应用研讨会,Interleaved lattice-based minimax distance designs,2017年9月,兰州
第一届数据科学理论基础国际研讨会,On the instability issue of gradient-enhanced Gaussian process emulators for computer experiments,2017年7月,北京
质量与数据科学研究中心十周年研讨会暨第七届质量与可靠性技术国际研讨会,Interleaved lattice-based minimax distance designs,2017年6月,北京
Spring Research Conference (SRC),Optimization of multi-fidelity computer experiments via the EQIE criterion, 2017年5月,美国新不伦瑞克
第十届泛华统计学会国际会议(ICSA),Interleaved lattice based minimax distance designs,2016年12月,上海
实验设计和分析国际学术研讨会(CEDA),Sliced rotated sphere packing designs,2016年12月,台北
南开统计论坛2016年青年学者会议, Interleaved lattice based minimax distance designs,2016年11月,天津
2016全国试验设计及其应用研讨会,Sliced rotated sphere packing designs,2016年11月,曲阜
Spring Research Conference (SRC),A constructive method for generating near minimax distance designs,2016年5月,美国芝加哥