(1) Dynamic response of shear thickening fluid under laser induced shock,Applied Physics Letters ,2015,第4作者
(2) Application of modal reduction technique and structural subsection technique on optimal sensor placement of truss structures,Smart structures and systems,2015,第5作者
(3) Experiment and simulation on air layer drag reduction of high-speed underwater axisymmetric projectile, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids,2015,第3作者
(4) Experimental investigation on thermal buckling behavior of fully-clamped truss-core sandwich panels,AIAA Journal,2015,第4作者
(5) An experimental method to measure dynamic stress–strain relationship of materials at high strain rates. ,International Journal of Impact Engineering.,2014,第4作者
(6) Adhesive Type and Scarf Angle on the Mechanical Properties of Scarf Adhesive Joints,Int. J. of Solids Struct,2014,第2作者
(7) Study fo characteristics of cloud cavity around axissymmetric projectile by large eddy simulation. ,J. Fluids Engng.,2014,第2作者
(8) A theoretical analysis on the thermal buckling behavior of fully-clamped sandwich panels with truss cores., Journal of Thermal Stresses,2014,第4作者