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中国科学院 微电子研究所 导师黄成军介绍






黄成军  男  博导  中国科学院微电子研究所

电子邮件: huangchengjun@ime.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号
邮政编码: 100029







- 微纳传感器、执行器与系统

- MEMS器件的设计、仿真与工艺

- 微流控芯片技术与芯片实验室系统

- 生物医学微器件与系统、新型健康电子设备













2001-09--2006-12   华中科技大学   工学博士
1997-09--2001-06   华中科技大学   工学学士






2017-10 -- 至今:中国科学院微电子研究所,研究员,健康电子研发中心主任

2016-8 -- 至今: 中国科学院大学未来技术学院岗位教授、生物芯片技术教研室主任

2014-3 -- 至今: 中国科学院微电子研究所,研究员,博士导师,中科院“****”学者

2009-1 -- 2013-12: 比利时欧洲微电子中心(IMEC),高级研究员

2007-1 -- 2008-12:比利时荷语鲁汶大学暨比利时欧洲微电子中心(IMEC),博士后研究员

















1.     C Huang, C Liu, L Lagae, B Jones, , P Fiorini, Electric controlled microfluidic device, US9833781B2, 2017.12.

2.     C Huang, L Lagae, Capillary flow plasmonic sensor, US9678014B2, 2017.06.

3.     C Huang, J Luo, C Zhao, Particle screening device, US20170205330A1, 2017.07.

4.     C Huang, J Luo, C Zhao, Cell location, array, device and formation method thereof, US20170151574A1, 2017.06.

5.   C Huang, J Luo, C Zhao, Sensing apparatus, US2018/0045667A1, 2018.02.

6.     C Liu, , W Van Roy, L Lagae, C Huang, Method and device for identifying cells, US9683253B2, 2017.06.

7.     R Min, L Lagae, C Liu, L Lagae, C Huang, Dynamic magnetic cell sorting, US20160370279A1, 2016. 12.


















1. Y Gu, Y Zhang, Y Li*, X Jin, C Huang*, S A Maier, and J Ye*, Raman photostability of off-resonant gap-enhanced Raman tags, RSC Advances, 8: 14434, (2018)

2. Y Zhao, K Wang, D Chen, B Fan, Ying Xu, Y Ye, J Wang*, J Chen*, C Huang*, Development of Microfluidic Impedance Cytometry Enabling the Quantification of Specific Membrane Capacitance and Cytoplasm Conductivity from 100,000 Single Cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 111: 138-143 (2018)

3.     Y. Zhang, X. Ye, G. Xu, X Jin, M Luan, J Lou, L Wang, C Huang and J. Ye*, Identification and distinction of non-small-cell lung cancer cells by intracellular SERS nanoprobes, RSC Advances, 6 5401, (2016)

4.     Y Zhang , J. Luo, Y. Liu, C. Zhao, C Huang*, Electrical Detection of Single Particle in Cylindrical Solid-State Nanopore, IEEE-EDSC, 349-352, (2015) 

5.     C Huang*, C Liu, B. Minne, J E R. Hernandez, T Stakenborg, L Lagae, Dielectrophoretic discrimination of cancer cells on a microchip, Applied Physics Letters, 1050143702 (2014)

6.     C Huang*, C Liu, J Loo, T Stakenborg, L Lagae, Single cell viability observation in cell dielectrophoretic trapping on a microchip, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 013703 (2014)

7.     C Huang*, J Ye, S Wang, T Stakenborg, L Lagae, Gold nanoring as a sensitive plasmonic biosensor for on-chip DNA detection, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 173114 (2012)

8.     C Huang*, T Stakenborg, Y Cheng, F Colle, T Steylaerts, K Jans. P Van Dorpe, L Lagae, Label-free genosensor based on immobilized DNA hairpins on gold surface, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26: 3121-3126 (2011)

9.  C Huang*, K Bonroy, G Reekmans, W Laureyn, K Verhaegen, I De Vlaminck, L Lagae and G Borghs, Localized surface plasmon resonance biosensor integrated with microfluidic chip, Biomedical Microdevices. 11: 893-901 (2009)

10.   C Huang*, K Bonroy, G Reekmans, K Verstreken, L Lagae and G Borghs, An on-chip localized surface plasmon resonance-based biosensor for label-free monitoring of antigen-antibody reaction, Microelectronic Engineering, 86: 2437-2441 (2009)

11.  C Huang, A Chen, L Wang, M Guo, and J Yu*, Electrokineticmeasurements of dielectric properties of membrane for apoptotic HL-60 cells on chip-based device, Biomedical Microdevices, 9: 335-343 (2007)

12.  C Huang, J Yu*, J Zhu, L Wang, M Guo. Design and fabrication of an automated microchip-based cell separation device, Analytical Letters, 40: 763-778 (2007)

13.  C Huang, A Chen, M Guo, J Yu*. Membrane dielectric responses of bufalin-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells detected by an electrorotation chip, Biotechnology Letters, 29: 1307-1313 (2007)

14.  N Verellen*, P Van Dorpe, C Huang, K Lodewijks, G Vandenbosch, L Lagae, V Moshchalkov, Plasmon line shaping using nanocrosses for high sensitivity localized surface plasmon resonance sensing, Nano Letters 11: 391-397 (2011)

15.  B Van Dorst*, A Cremer, K Jans, T Van Domburg, K Steegen, C Huang, C Dorrer, L Lagae, G Ferwerda, L J Stuyver, Integration of clinical point-of-care requirements in a DNA microarray genotyping test, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 61: 605-611 (2014)


(For full publication list, please refer to: 


                                 or https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chengjun_Huang/publications )

















1. L Li, C Huang*, H Zhang, Micro/Nanoscale optical devices for hyperspectral imaging system, book chapter in the book titled Outlook and challenges of nano devices, sensors and MEMS, pp459-482, Springer press, 2017






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