我们感兴趣的另外一大类生物材料是具有层状结构的有机/无机复合材料, 如Al2O3/PMMA。这类新材料具有很强的机械性能如模量,抗张强度,以及断裂韧性。这类材料通常通过(1)冰模板法(ice-templating, also called freeze casting)制备生物陶瓷的层状结构,(2)然后通过真空把高分子聚合单体渗透到层状结构里聚合。这类新材料由于有出色的力学性能,很可能由此作为模板/支架,生长出力学性能高的骨。由于骨用生物材料是一个交叉学科,我们会与国内外化学家,细胞生物学家,外科医生,以及医院(如北京积水潭医院)通力合作,评价这些生物材料的动物体外,体内性能。
在方向2上,我们的最终目的是制备,开发出工业界有用的高分子新材料包括纳米复合材料以及共混物。感兴趣的体系包括聚酰胺如Nylon 6, Nylon 6,6, 和Nylon 12,12, 通用塑料如聚乙烯及聚丙烯,以及一些生物降解高分子材料如聚乳酸。增强剂包括石墨烯,碳纳米管,纳米石墨及炭黑,纳米银离子,纳米碳酸钙,有机蒙脱土,纳米氧化硅,纳米氧化锌,纳米二氧化钛等等。增韧剂如乙丙橡胶,SEBS,乙辛橡胶等。这些纳米复合材料主要由高分子熔融加工法制备。材料的机械性能包括增韧与增强,电性能,导热性能,阻燃性能,以及传输性能是我们特别关注的。我们与北京工商大学,北京航空航天大学,清华大学,中科院工程塑料中心,中国科学院高分子化学与物理重点实验室,以及企业界有广泛的交流与合作。此外,我们也与美国著名大学如University of Texas at Austin, University of Minnesota, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 以及Washington State University 有交流与合作。
2000-08--2006-01 University of Texas at Austin, USA 哲学博士
1998-09--2000-08 Iowa State University, Ame, IA, USA 硕士
1995-09--1998-06 清华大学 硕士
1987-09--1991-06 南京工业大学 本科/学士
哲学博士:化学工程,2000-2006, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX,USA
论文: 无定型聚酰胺的橡胶增韧研究
导师: Donald R. Paul教授
硕士:材料科学与工程, 1998 -2000, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
论文: 通过微米尺度转移成型及溶胶及凝胶加工制备三 维阻光二氧化钛材料
导师: Kristen P. Constant教授
2012-10--2013-05 中国科学院大学 副教授/校内****候选人
2012-04--2012-06 Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy, USA Research Affiliate
2010-02--2012-03 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA 博士后
2009-04--2010-02 Massachusetts Institute of Techology, USA Research Affiliate
2007-11--2009-03 University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA 博士后
2006-01--2007-10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 博士后
2000-08--2006-01 University of Texas at Austin, USA Graduate Research Assistant
1998-09--2000-08 Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA Graduate Research Assistant
1995-09--1998-06 清华大学 研究助理
1991-07--1995-08 辽宁丹东轻化工研究院 助理工程师
文献阅读、 专业英语-材料科学与工程
Jijun Huang and Joey Mead, “Hierarchical polymer-based nanomaterials for electromagnetic interference shielding,” US 20100311866
1. “Biocomposites of pHEMA with HA/beta-TCP(60/40) for bone tissue engineering: Swelling, hydrolytic degradation, and in vitro behavior ”, Jijun Huang, Elena Ten, Gao Liu, Matthew Finzen, Wenli Yu, Janice S. Lee, Eduardo Saiz, Antoni P. Tomsia, Polymer, in press, 10.106/j. polymer.2012.12.045
2. “Role of molecular chemistry of degradable pHEMA hydrogels in three-dimensional biomimetic mineralization”, Jijun Huang, Gao Liu, Chengyu Song, Eduardo Saiz, Antoni P. Tomsia, Chemistry of Materials, 24, 1331-1337 (2012)
3. “Combinatorial design of hydrolytically degradable, bone-like biocomposites based on pHEMA and hydroxyapatite”, Jijun Huang, Dacheng Zhao, Smit J. Dangaria, Xianghong Luan, Thomas G. H. Diekwisch, Guoqing Jiang, Eduardo Saiza, Gao Liu, Antoni P. Tomsia, Polymer, in press, 10.1016/j.polymer.2012.12.017
4. “Reinforcing and toughening effects of bamboo pulp fiber on poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) fiber composites,” Long Jiang, Feng Chen, Jun Qian, Jijun Huang, Michael Wolcott, Linshu Liu, Jinwen Zhang, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49, 572–577 (2010)
5. “Study of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV)/bamboo pulp fiber composites: effect of nucleation agent and compatibilizer,” L. Jiang, J. J. Huang, J. Qian, F. Chen, J. W. Zhang, M. P. Wolcott, Y. Zhu, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 16, 83-93 (2008)
6. “Synthesis, mechanical property and chemical/solvent resistance investigation of crosslinked poly(aryl-ether-ether-ketones) at high temperatures,” M. E. Yurchenko, J. J. Huang, A. Robisson, P. T. Hammond, G. H. McKinley, Polymer, 51, 1914-1920 (2010)
7. “Comparison of fracture behavior of nylon 6 versus an amorphous polyamide toughened with maleated poly (ethylene-1-octene) elastomers,” J. J. Huang, D. R. Paul, Polymer, 47, 3505-3519 (2006)
8. “Comparison of the toughening behavior of nylon 6 versus an amorphous polyamide using various maleated elastomers,” J. J. Huang, H. Keskkula, D. R. Paul, Polymer, 47, 639-651 (2006)