注:有丰富的Visual C++编程经验者优先
[24] M. Zhao, X. Jia*, C. Tu, B. Mourrain and W. Wang. Enumerating the Morphology of Non-Degenerate Darboux Cyclides. Computer Aided Geometric Design,Vol. 75, 2019.
[23] S. Yao and X. Jia*. µ-Bases for Rational Canal Surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 69, 11-26, 2019.
[22] P. Bo, Y. Zheng, X. Jia and C. Zhang. Multi-strip Smooth Developable Surfaces From Sparse Design Curves.Computer Aided Design,Vol. 113, 1-12, 2019.
[21] J. Guo, F. Ding, X. Jia* and D. Yan. Automatic and high-quality surface mesh generation for CAD models. Computer Aided Design, Vol. 109, 49-59, 2019.
[20] J. Hoffman, X. Jia and H. Wang. Quaternion Rational Surfaces. Journal of Commutative Algebra, 2019, to appear.
[19] X. Jia*, X. Shi and F. Chen. Survey on the Theory and Applications of µ-Bases for Rational Curves and Surfaces.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 329, 2-23, 2018.
[18] X. Jia*, W. Wang, Y.-K. Choi, B. Mourrain and C. Tu. Continuous Detection of the Variations of the Intersection Curve of Two Moving Quadrics in 3-Dimensional Projective Space. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 73, 221-243, 2016.
[17] S. Zhang, J. Guo, H. Zhang, X. Jia, D. Yan, J.-H. Yong and P. Wonka. Capacity Constrained Blue-Noise Sampling on Surfaces. Computers & Graphics, Vol. 55, 44-54, 2016.
[16] J. Guo, D.-M. Yan, X. Jia and X. Zhang. Efficient Maximal Possion Disk Sampling and Remeshing on Surfaces. Computers & Graphics (Special Issue of Shape Modeling International Conference), Vol. 46, 72-79, 2015.
[15] X. Jia*. Role of Moving Planes and Moving Spheres Following Dupin Cyclides. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 31, 168-181, 2014.
[14] D.-M. Yan, J. Guo, X. Jia, X. Zhang and P. Wonka. Blue-Noise Remeshing with Farthest Point Optimization.Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Graphics Processing), Vol. 33(5), 167-176, 2014 .
[13] Y.-K. Choi, W. Wang, B. Mourrain, C. Tu, X. Jia and F. Sun. Continuous Collision Detection for Composite Quadric Models. Graphics Models (Special Issue of Geometric Modeling and Processing) , Vol. 76(5), 566-579, 2014.
[12] R. Goldman, S. Mann and X. Jia. Computing Perspective Projections in 3-Dimensions using Rotors in the Homogeneous and Conformal Models of Clifford Algebra. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol. 24, 465-491, 2014.
[11] X. Shi, X. Jia, R. Goldman and B. Hassett. Using a Bivariate Sparse Resultant to Find the Singularities of Rational Space Curves. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 53, 1-25, 2013.
[10] X. Jia*, C. Tu and W. Wang. Topological Classifications of the Intersection Curves of Two Ring Tori. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 30, 181-198, 2013.
[9] X. Jia* and R. Goldman. Using Smith Forms to Compute All the Singularities of Rational Planar Curves.Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 29, 296-314, 2012.
[8] L. Shen, J. Cheng and X. Jia. Homeomorphic approximation of the intersection curve of two rational surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29(8), 613-625, 2012.
[7] X. Jia and R. Goldman. Representing Perspective Projections as Rotors in the Homogeneous Model of the Clifford Algebra for 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space. Conference of Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering 2012, France.
[6] X. Jia*, Y.-K. Choi, B. Mourrain and W. Wang. An Algebraic Approach for Continuous Collision Detection for Ellipsoids. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 28, 164-176, 2011.
[5] W. Hoffman, H. Wang, X. Jia and R. Goldman. Minimal Generators for the Rees Algebra of Rational Space Curves of Type (1,1,d-2). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3(4), 602-632, 2010.
[4] X. Jia*, H. Wang and R. Goldman. Set-Theoretic Generators of Rational Space Curves. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 49(4), 414-433, 2010.
[3] X. Jia* and R. Goldman. Mu-Bases and Singularities of Rational Planar Curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 26(9), 970-988, 2009.
[2] H. Wang, X. Jia and R. Goldman. Axial Moving Planes and Singularities of Rational Space Curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.26(3), 300-316, 2009.
[1] X. Jia*, F. Chen and J. Deng. Computing Self-intersection Curves of Rational Ruled Surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 26(3), 287-299, 2009.
[1] W. Hoffman, X. Jia, H. Wang. Commutative Algebra: An Introduction. Mercury Learning & Information, Dulles, Virginia, Boston, Massachusetts, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-1-944534-60-8)
[2] W. Hoffman, X. Jia, H. Wang. Essentials of Commutative Algebra. Overseas Press India Private Limited, 2016. (ISBN(13): 978-93-83803-21-7)
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