(1) 岩石结构面的宏-细观几何形貌特征与力学特性研究:采用最新的高精度三维光学扫描技术和3D打印技术,获得岩石自然结构面的几何特征,并通过3D模具深入研究结构面剪切力学特性。
(2) 岩石结构面张量理论力学模型:通过建立复杂岩体空间分布结构面的统一张量格式,建立含节理岩体变形和强度的张量表征方法及力学本构模型,为大规模数值仿真计算奠定基础。
(3) 大型地下工程(隧道与洞室群)稳定性反馈分析:依托国家重点/重大地下工程,采用三维数值仿真分析,实时评估地下洞室稳定性,为工程开挖与支护决策提供理论支撑。
(4) 地下工程灾害的远程遥测与预警:结合3G/4G无线网络、Internet物联网、仪器自动数据采集、终端软件自动分析等技术,在理论分析基础上分级实施预测与预警地下工程安全风险。
[1] Quan Jiang, X.T. Feng, T.B. Xiang and G.S. Su. Rockburst characteristics and numerical simulation based on a new energy index: a case study of a tunnel at 2,500 m depth. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2010, 69: 381-388.
[2] Quan Jiang, Xiating Feng. Intelligent Stability Design of Large Underground Hydraulic Caverns: Chinese Method and Practice. Energies, 2011, 4(10): 1542-1562.
[3] Quan Jiang, Xia-ting Feng, Jing Chen, Ke Huang, Ya-li Jiang. Estimating in-situ rock stress from spalling veins: A case study. Engineering Geology, 2013, 152(1): 38–47.
[4] Quan Jiang, Xia-Ting Feng, Jie Cui, et al. Failure Mechanism of Unbonded Prestressed Thru-Anchor Cables: In Situ Investigation in Large Underground Caverns. Rock Mech Rock Eng, 2015, 48:873–878
[5] Quan Jiang, Xia-ting Feng, Yossef H. Hatzor, et al. Mechanical anisotropy of columnar jointed basalts: An example from the Baihetan hydropower station, China. Engineering Geology, 2014,175: 35–45.
[6] Quan Jiang, Jie Cui, Xiating Feng, et al. Application of computerized tomographic scanning to the study of water-induced weakening of mudstone. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 2014, 73(4):1293–1301. DOI 10.1007/s10064-014-0597-5,
[7] Quan Jiang, Guo-shao Su, Xia-ting Feng, Jie Cui, Peng-zhi Pan, Jian-qing Jiang. Observation of rock fragment ejection in post-failure response. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2015, 74: 30–37.
[8] Jiang Q, Feng XT, ·Song LB, et al. Modeling rock specimens through 3D printing: Tentative experiments and prospects.Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2016, 32(1), 101-111, DOI: 10.1007/s10409-015-0524-4
[9] Quan Jiang, Dava Chan, Jun Xiong, et al. Back analysis of a debris landslide based on a real-time video recording: sliding process and post-slide investigation. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 2016, 75:647–658
[10] Quan Jiang, Xiating Feng, Yanhua Gong, et al. Reverse modelling of natural rock joints using 3D scanning and 3D printing. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 73: 210–220.
[11] Quan Jiang, Shan Zhong, Jie Cui, Xia-Ting Feng, et al. Statistical Characterization of the Mechanical Parameters of Intact Rock Under Triaxial Compression: An Experimental Proof of the Jinping Marble. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49: 4631–4646
[12] CUI Jie, JIANG Quan, FENG Xia-ting, et al. Equivalent elastic compliance tensor for rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets: Exact derivation via modified crack tensor. J. Cent. South Univ. 2016, 23: 1486−1507. (通讯作者)
[13] Jie Cui, Quan Jiang, Xiating Feng, et al. Insights into statistical structural characteristics and deformation properties of columnar jointed basalts: field investigation in the Baihetan Dam base, China. Bull Eng Geol Environ, 2018, 77(2), 775–790. (通讯作者)
[14] Jie Cui, Quan Jiang, Shaojun Li, et al. Estimation of the number of specimens required for acquiring reliable rock mechanical parameters in laboratory uniaxial compression tests. Engineering Geology, 2017: 186–200 (通讯作者)
[15] Quan Jiang, Jie Cui, Xia-ting Feng, et al. Demonstration of spatial anisotropic deformation properties for jointed rock mass by an analytical deformation tensor. Computers and Geotechnics 2017,88, 111–128.
[16] Quan Jiang, Xia-ting Feng, Yilin Fan, et al. In situ experimental investigation of basalt spalling in a large underground powerhouse cavern. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2017,68, 82–94.
[17] Leibo Song, Quan Jiang, Ying-En Shi, et al. Feasibility Investigation of 3D Printing Technology for Geotechnical Physical Models: Study of Tunnels. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(8): 2617–2637.
[18] Quan Jiang, Guoshao Su, Xia‑ting Feng. Excavation Optimization and Stability Analysis for Large Underground Caverns Under High Geostress: A Case Study of the Chinese Laxiwa Project. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2019, 52(3), 895-915
[19] Quan Jiang, Bin Wang, Xia-Ting Feng, et al. In situ failure investigation and time-dependent damage test for columnar jointed basalt at the Baihetan left dam foundation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment https: //doi.org/10.1007/s10064-018-1399-y.
[20] Quan Jiang, Fei Yan, Jiayao Wu, Qixiang Fan, Shaojun Li, Dingping Xu. Grading opening and shearing deformation of deep outward-dip shear belts inside high slope: A case study. Engineering Geology, 2019, 250: 113–129.
[21] 江 权,冯夏庭,揭秉辉,向天兵. 地下多洞室结构的中隔墙安全度区间计算方法[J]. 岩土力学,2010,31(6): 1847-1852.
[22] 江 权,冯夏庭,苏国韶,陈国庆. 高地应力下拉西瓦水电站地下洞室群稳定性分析[J]. 水力发电学报,2010,29(5): 132-140.
[23] 江 权,冯夏庭,向天兵,周辉,陈建林,补约依呷,侯 靖. 大型洞室群稳定性分析与智能动态优化设计的数值仿真研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011, 30(3): 481-496
[24] 江 权,冯夏庭,徐鼎平,江亚丽,黄可. 基于围岩片帮形迹的宏观地应力估计方法探讨[J]. 岩土力学,2011,32(5): 1452-1459.
江 权,冯夏庭,周 辉,赵阳,江亚丽,黄可. 层间错动带的强度参数取值探讨[J]. 岩土力学,2011, 32(11): 3379-3386.
[25] 江 权,大型地下洞室对穿预应力锚索失效形式与耦合模型[J]. 岩土力学,2013,34(8) : 2271-2279.
[26] 江 权,冯夏庭,樊义林,等. 柱状节理玄武岩各向异性特性的调查与试验研究裴[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,2013,32(12): 2527-2535.