(1) 基于PZT薄膜面内极化工作的低应力压电微传声器,纳米技术与精密工程,2011,第2作者
(2) Design and Fabrication of a MEMS Lamb Wave Device Based on ZnO Thin Film,半导体学报,2011,第4作者
(3) 基于ZnO压电薄膜的弯曲振动硅微压电超声换能器的研究,Development and analysis of piezoelectric flexural micro-machined ultrasonic transducers base on ZnO film on silicon substrate,声学学报,2010,第2作者
(4) Pt/Ti Electrodes of PZT thin film patterning by novel lift-off using ZnO as a sacrificial layer,Chinese Physics Letters,2008,第2作者
(5) 衬底和O2/Ar气体比例对ZnO薄膜结构及性能的影响,功能材料,2008,第2作者
(6) 应用于体声波谐振器的ZnO薄膜结构和电学特性,功能材料与器件学报,2008,第5作者
(7) Inversion of multimode Rayleigh waves in the presence of a low velocity layer: numerical and laboratory study,Geophysics Journal International,2007,第2作者
(8) High frequency acoustic microscopy with Fresnel zoom lens,Science in China, Series G,2007,第3作者
(9) Experimental analysis of multimode guided waves in stratified media, Applied Physics Letters,2006,第3作者
(10) 硅微电容传声器的防粘连结构,传感技术学报,2006,第2作者
(11) PZT薄膜的制备及其与MEMS工艺的兼容性,半导体学报,2006,第2作者
(12) Theoretical and experimental investigation of ultrasonic focusing with annular phased array,Chinese Physics Letters,2006,第2作者
(13) Focusing of surface acoustic wave on a piezoelectric crystal,Chinese Physics Letters,2006,第2作者