戴君虎,男,陕西蓝田人。中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员、中国科学院大学岗位教授、博士生导师,现任综合自然地理研究室主任、“中国物候观测网”副主任。2001年11月起在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所工作。2007年~2008年赴普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)生态与生物进化系(Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)进行高级访问研究。研究方向为全球变化与生态地理过程,近年主要致力于植物地理及植被生态、物候学、历史土地利用变化与陆地碳循环等研究。目前担任International Journal of Biometeorology, Scientific Reports, PlosOne, Advances in Climate Change Research,《资源科学》和《全球变化数据学报》(中英文版)等国内外学术期刊编委。主要学术成绩有:
1. Dai Junhu*, Mengyao Zhu, Huanjiong Wang, Quansheng Ge. 2018. Phenophase shifts across elevations on major mountains in North China. Regional Problems(Russian Federation). 21(3(1)): 82-88
2. Wang Li, Yu Haiying, Zhang Qiang*, Xu Yunjia, Tao Zexing, Alatalo Juha, Dai Junhu*. 2018. Responses of aboveground biomass of alpine grasslands to climate changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 28(12): 1953-1964.
3. Alessandro Ferrarini,Mohammed Alsafran, Junhu Dai, Juha Alatalo. 2018. Improving niche projections of plant species under climate change: Silene acaulis on the British Isles as a case study. Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-018-4200-9.
4. Dai Junhu*, Xu Yunjia, Wang Huanjiong, Alatalo Juha, Tao Zexing, Ge Quansheng. 2017. Variations in the temperature sensitivity of spring leaf phenology from 1978 to 2014 in Mudanjiang, China. International Journal of Biometeorology. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-017-1489-8
5. Tao Zexing, Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu⁎, Alatalo Juha, Ge Quansheng⁎. Modeling spatiotemporal variations in leaf coloring date of three tree species across China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.10.034
6. Wang Huanjiong, Zhong, S., Tao Z., Dai Junhu*. and Ge Quansheng*, 2017. Changes in flowering phenology of woody plants from 1963 to 2014 in North China. International Journal of Biometeorology. doi:10.1007/s00484-017-1377-2.
7. Tao Zexing, Wang Huanjiong, Liu Yachen, Xu Yunjia, and Dai Junhu*. 2017. Phenological response of different vegetation types to temperature and precipitation variations in northern China during 1982–2012. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 38,11,3236-3252.
8. Wang Huanjiong,Rutishauser This, Tao Zexing,Zhong Shuying, Ge Quansheng*, Dai Junhu*. 2017. Impacts of global warming on phenology of spring leaf unfolding remain stable in the long run. International Journal of Biometeorology. 61,2,287-292.
9. Wu Wenxiang, Dai Junhu, Zhou Yang, and Ge Quansheng. 2017. Comment on “Outburst flood at 1920 BCE supports historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia dynasty”. Science, 355, 1382-1382
10. Ge Q, Dai Junhu, Cui H, Wang H. Spatiotemporal variability in start and end of growing season in China related to climate variability. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8: 433.
11. Liu Y, Dai Junhu*, Wang H, et al. Phenological records in Guanzhong Area in central China between 600 and 902 AD as proxy for winter half-year temperature reconstruction, 2016, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 59(9): 1847-1853.
12. Zheng F, Tao Z, Liu Y, Xu Y, Dai Junhu*, Ge Q*. Variation of main phenophases in phenological calendar in East China and their response to climate change. Advances in Meteorology, 2016, 2016: 1-8.
13. Wang H, Dai J, Zheng J, Ge Q. 2015. Temperature sensitivity of plant phenology in temperate and subtropical regions of China from 1850 to 2009. International Journal of Climatology. 35:913-922
14. Wang H, Ge Q, Dai J*, Tao Z. 2015. Geographical pattern in first bloom variability and its relation to temperature sensitivity in the USA and China. International Journal of Biometeorology. 59:961-969
15. Wang H, Ge Q, Rutishauser T, Dai Y, Dai J*. 2015. Parameterization of temperature sensitivity of spring phenology and its application in explaining diverse phenological responses to temperature change. Scientific Reports. 5: 8833 (6 pages)
16. Ge Q, Wang H, Rutishauser T, Dai J*. 2015. Phenological response to climate change in China: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology. 21:265-274.
17. Tao Z, Ge Q, Wang H, Dai J*. 2015. Phenological basis of determining tourism seasons for ornamental plants in central and eastern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 25(11) :1343-1356.
18. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng*. 2014. Characteristics of Spring Phenological Changes in China over the Past 50 Years. Advances in Meteorology. Article ID 843568, 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/843568.
19. Huanjiong Wang, Junhu Dai, Jingyun Zheng and Quansheng Ge*. 2014. Temperature sensitivity of plant phenology in temperate and subtropical regions of China from 1850 to 2009.International Journal of Climatology. 35(6): 913–922.
20. Huanjiong Wang, Junhu Dai*, and Quansheng Ge*. 2014. Comparison of Satellite and Ground-Based Phenology in China’s Temperate Monsoon Area. Advances in Meteorology. Article ID 474876, 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/474876.
21. Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong*, Zheng Jingyun, This Rutishauser, and Dai Junhu*. 2014. A 170-year spring phenogy index of plants in eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences). 119(4): 301-311.