加入25年中科院考研群 加入25年中科大考研群
数学科学学院 韩丛英 女 博导










2003-03--2008-10   上海交通大学   博士
1999-09--2002-06   山东科技大学   硕士
1992-09--1996-07   山东科技大学   学士






2018.12-至今               中国科学院大学   教授

2013-06--2018.11       中国科学院大学   副教授

2010-09--2012-06      中国科学院大学  博士后

1996-07--2012-04      山东科技大学      副教授





2016-10-01-今,中国运筹学会第十次全国会员代表大会, 理事
2015-07-13-2019-07-13,中国运筹学会图论与组合分会第四届理事会 理事, 副秘书长




(1) Optimization Models and Algorithms for Fingerprint Recognition and Its Application in AFIS of China, 二等奖, 其他, 2017
(2) 《指纹自动识别系统》中国运筹学会科学技术奖运筹应用奖, 一等奖, 省级, 2016









李明强, 韩丛英*, 郭田德. 新的梯度算法求解单位球笛卡尔积约束优化问题,应用数学学报,2018 Vol. 41 (1): 43-54. 20181月。

郭田德, 韩丛英*, 李明强. 逐层数据再表达的前后端融合学习的理论及其模型和算法, 中国科学 信息科学, DOI10.1360/N112017-00268. 2018226日发表

 Li Mingqiang Guo Tiande and Han Congying*. New project gradient method for quadratic programming with linear equality constraints. Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国科学院大学学报)Vol 35, No. 3,20185月,289-296.

 Yonghong Liu  , Baicun Zhou , Congying Han *, Tiande Guo and Jin Qin A Method for Singular Points Detection Based on Faster-RCNN. Applied Sciences, 1-11. Online. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1853;  doi:10.3390/app8101853


  郭田德,韩丛英*,赵彤,阿勇,吴敏,白超超,唐思琦. 大库容量指纹自动识别系统中的优化模型与算法,运筹学学报,201712月,214):19-33DOI: 10.15960/j.cnki.issn.1007-6093.2017.04.001,ISSN: 1007-6093Mingqiang Li Congying Han* Ruxin WangTiande Guo. Shrinking gradient descent algorithms for totalvariation regularized image denoising.  Comput Optim Appl (2017) 683:643–660 ,20177月,DOI 10.1007/s10589-017-9931-8.ISSN: 0926-6003

Siqi Tang, Jin Qin, Yan Liu, Congying Han* Tiande Guo.  An Efficient Slap Fingerprint SegmentationAlgorithm Based on Convnets and Knuckle Line. J. Zhou et al. (Eds.): CCBR Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition2017, LNCS 10568, pp. 231–239, 2017.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69923-3_25, 会议2017.10.28-29,深圳,中国,Springer International Publishing AG 2017 .

Jin Qin, Congying Han*, Chaochao Bai, Tiande Guo. Multi-Scaling Detection of Singular PointsBased on Fully Convolutional Networks inFingerprint Images. J. Zhou et al. (Eds.): CCBR Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition2017, LNCS 10568, pp. 221–230, 2017.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69923-3_24, 会议2017.10.28-29,深圳,中国,Springer International Publishing AG 2017 .

Jin Qin, Siqi Tang, Congying Han*, Tiande Guo. Partial Fingerprint Identification Algorithm Based-on the Modified Generalized Hough Transform on Mobile Device. Ninth InternationaI Conference on Graphic and Image Processing(ICGIP)201710615Z1-10615Z-10.  Jin Qin, Siqi Tang, Congying Han*, and Tiande Guo. Partial Fingerprint Matching via Phase-only Correlation and Deep Convolutional Neural Network. ICONIP Springer International Publishing AG 2017.D. Liu et al. (Eds.): ICONIP 2017(The  24th International Conference On Neural Information Processing), Part VI, LNCS 10639, pp. 602–611, 2017.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70136-3_64广州,1114-18.


LIU Xiao, GUO Tiande, HAN Congying*, LI mingqiang. Super resolution reconstruction of single image with denoising and upscaleing, Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 33(5):596-603, 2016

Ruxin Wang, Congying Han*, Tiande Guo. A Novel Fingerprint Classification Method Based on Deep Learning, 2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancún Center, Cancún, México, December 4-8, 2016, 931-936

Ruxin Wang, Congying Han*, Mingqiang Li, Tiande Guo. Single Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Edge-Preserving with External and Internal Gradient Prior Knowledge, ACCV (Asian Conference on Computer Vision) 2016 Workshops , Part I, LNCS 10116, 191-205,2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-54407-6_13. Nov 21, 2016 - Nov 23, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan


Xiao Liu, Congying Han*, Tiande Guo,A Robust Point Sets Matching Method,Advances in Swarm and Computational Intelligence.Vol. 9142, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 383-390

1. Hongwei REN , Congying HAN(通讯作者),Tiande Guo, Wei PEI , Energy Losses and Voltage Stability Study in Distribution Network with Distributed Generation, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2014, ID 939482, pp.1-7,2014. Http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/939482. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.(SCI) 
2. Cong-ying HAN, Fang-ying ZHENG, Tian-de GUO, Guo-ping HE, Parallel Algorithms for Large-scale Linearly Constrained Minimization Problem. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series. Vol. 30, No.3 (2014), 1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s10255-013-0300-9.(SCI)


1. Congying Han,Mingqiang Li, Tong Zhao, and Tiande Guo. An Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Singly Linearly Constrained Quadratic Programs with Box Constraints,The Scientific World Journal ,Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 246596, pp.1-6,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/246596,ISSN: 1537-744X, Research Article. (SCI)
2. R. Kong, C. Han, T. Guo and W. Pei, "An Energy-Based Centrality for Electrical Networks," Energy and Power Engineering, ISSN:1949-243X, eIssN:1947-3818, Vol. 5 No. 4B, 2013, pp. 597-602. doi: 10.4236/epe.2013.54B115.
3. 任洪伟,韩丛英,裴玮,郭田德. "基于多目标优化模型的分布式电源选址方案研究",电力系统保护与控制,Vol. 41,No. 24, 2013年12月16日,64-69.
4. 王永丽,韩丛英(通讯作者),李田,李明强. 求解不等式约束优化问题严格互补松弛条件的QP-Free新算法, 应用数学学报, 36(1), 1-13, 2013.
5. Congying Han,Tingting Feng, Guoping He, and Tiande Guo. Parallel Variable Distribution Algorithm for Constrained Optimization with Nonmonotone Technique, Journal of Applied athematics,Vol. (2013), Article ID 295147, 1-7.(SCI) 
6. 张学成, 韩丛英, 赵彤, 杨海珍. 基于秩和模型的大型科学仪器利用评价研究, 2013 34 (4): 108-114. 科研管理 ISSN 1000-2995.
7. Congying Han, Guangqi Shao, Yang Hao, Yong A, Tiande Guo. Non-negative Matrix Factorization Based On Locally Linear Embedding, 2013 ISORA 978-1-84919-713-7 , IET,138-141.
8.Yang Hao, Congying Han(通讯作者), Guangqi Shao, and Tiande Guo. Generalized Graph Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol. 210, 2013, 1-12.


1. Guangqi Shao, Congying Han, Tiande Guo, and Yang Hao. An NMF-Based Method for the Fingerprint Orientation Field Estimation. Computer and Information Science 2012,Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 429, 2012, 93-104.


1. Fangying Zheng, Congying Han(通讯作者), Yongli Wang. Parallel SSLE Algorithm for Large Scale Constrained Optimization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217(12): 5377-5384. (SCI & EI).
2. Liang Fang, Congying Han. A New One-step Smoothing Newton Method for the Second- order Cone Complementarity Problem. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2011, 34(3): 347-359.(SCI) 
3. 冯婷婷,韩丛英(通讯作者),贺国平. 修正的SQP型并行变量分配算法,数学物理学报, 2011,31A(6). 
4. 李晓蕊,韩丛英,贺国平. 求解MINLP的几类罚函数方法的分析和探讨. 数学实践与认识, 2011,41(1):202-208.
5. 徐晓,韩丛英,张永建,张永超. 基于最佳一致逼近理论求解矿用通风机性能曲线,煤炭学报,2011,Vol. 36(S. 1),186-190.(EI) 


1. Li Xiaorui, Han Congying, He Guoping. A Parallel Algorithm for SVM Based on Extended Saddle Point Condition. Communications in Computer and Information Science(CCIS), 2010, 105(1):129-136(EI).
2. Rong Hua,Congying Han(通讯作者), Guoping He. Parallel Pattern Search Method for Optimization Problem with Bounded Constraints. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application (PACIIA 2010), 2010, 6:345-348.
3.黄利国, 韩丛英, 孙莉. 基于变量转换的并行优化算法. 计算机工程, 2010, 36(23):34-35.
4. Congying Han, Yongli Wang, Guoping He. On the Convergence of Asynchronous Parallel Algorithm for Large-Scale Linearly Constrained Minimization Problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 211(2):434-441 (SCI&EI ).
5. Congying Han, Lijun Xu, Guoping He. Mining Recent Frequent Itemsets in Sliding Windows over Data Streams. Computing and Informatics, 2008, 27(3):315-339(SCI). 6. Han Congying, He Guoping, Duan Hua, Zhang Xuping. A Binding Number Computation of Graph. Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2008, 4: 285-288, 18-20 (EI).
7. Han Congying, He Guoping, Zhang Xuping, Cui Huanqing. Distributed Parallel Algorithm For Nonlinear Optimization Without Derivatives,SNPD 2007:Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering,Artificial Intelligence,Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2007, 2: 512-515 (EI).







(1) 新的梯度算法求解单位球笛卡尔积约束优化问题, 应用数学学报, 2018, 通讯作者
(2) New project gradient method for quadratic programming with linear equality constraints, Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018, 通讯作者
(3) A Method for Singular Points Detection Based on Faster-RCNN, Applied Sciences, 2018, 通讯作者
(4) 大库容量指纹自动识别系统中的优化模型与算法, 运筹学学报, 2017, 通讯作者
(5) Shrinking gradient descent algorithms for totalvariation regularized image denoising, Computational Optimization and Applications, 2017, 通讯作者
(6) An Efficient Slap Fingerprint SegmentationAlgorithm Based on Convnets and Knuckle Line, Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition, 2017, 通讯作者
(7) Multi-Scaling Detection of Singular PointsBased on Fully Convolutional Networks inFingerprint Images., Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition, 2017, 通讯作者
(8) Partial Fingerprint Identification Algorithm Based-on the Modified Generalized Hough Transform on Mobile Device, Ninth InternationaI Conference on Graphic and Image Processing(ICGIP), 2017, 通讯作者
(9) Partial Fingerprint Matching via Phase-only Correlation and Deep Convolutional Neural Network, ICONIP, 2017, 通讯作者
(10) 基于深度学习的指纹分类新方法, A novel fingerprint classification method based on deep learning, Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd International Conference on, 2016, 通讯作者
(11) 具有去噪和尺度放大的单幅图像超分辨率重建, Super resolution reconstruction of single image with denoising and upscaling, 中国科学院大学学报, 2016, 通讯作者
(12) 基于外边界保持与内部梯度经验的单幅图像超分辨率重建方法, single image super-resolution reconstruction based on edge-preserving with external and internal gradient prior knowledge, ACCV 2016 Workshops, Part I,LNCS 10116, 2016, 通讯作者
(13) Optimal Energy Storage Sizing for Wind Power Applications, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 第 1 作者
(14) Parallel Algorithms for Large-scale Linearly Constrained Minimization Problem, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2014, 第 1 作者
(15) Energy Losses and Voltage Stability Study in Distribution Network with Distributed Generation, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, 第 2 作者
(16) Parallel Variable Distribution Algorithm for Constrained Optimization with Non-monotone Technique, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 第 1 作者
(17) 基于秩和模型的大型科学仪器利用评价研究, 科研管理, 2013, 第 2 作者
(18) 求解不等式约束优化问题无严格互补松弛条件的QP-FREE新算法, 应用数学学报(中文版), 2013, 第 1 作者
(19) An Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Singly Linearly 






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