2006.9-2008.6 中国科学院植物研究所/新疆吐鲁番学研究院 博士后
2008.9-2010.9 中国科学院研究生院科技史与科技考古系 博士后
2010.5-2017.11 中国科学院研究生院科技史与科技考古系 副教授
2017.12- 中国科学院大学考古学与人类学系 教授
1) 2007年获“新疆维吾尔自治区优秀博士后”荣誉称号
2) 2009年获中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖
3) 2016年获第一届中国考古学大会青年学者奖(金爵奖)
发表论文(* 为通讯作者)
Online first (including accepted papers)
Chen, T.*, Wang, B, Power, R., Jiang, H.*, 2019. The first archaeobotanical evidence of Medicago sativa L. in China: hay fodder for livestock. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (Accepted).
赵美莹,王龙,党志豪,蒋洪恩*.唐西州时期吐鲁番的桃树栽培----从出土文书及实物证据谈起. 中国科学院大学学报(已接收)
Yao, Y.*, Wang, X., Guo, W., Jiang, H., Li, M., Ferguson, D.K., Wang, Y.*, Li, C., 2019. Environment, human activity and their relationship with Buddhism during the 9th-13th centuries at Turpan, Xinjiang on the ancient Silk Road. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany (Accepted).
蒋洪恩,杨军,祁学楷. 南昌海昏侯刘贺墓粮库内出土植物遗存的初步研究. 南方文物 (In press).
陈涛,贺婧婧,姚书文,邱振威,麦慧娟,王博,蒋洪恩*. 吐鲁番阿斯塔那墓地出土彩塑马尾装饰物的科学分析. 第四纪研究 39(1) 258-263.
Zhao, M.,Jiang, H.*,Grassa, C., 2018. Archaeobotanical studies of the Yanghai cemetery in Turpan, Xinjiang, China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 1143-1153 (SCI/SSCI/A&HCI).
Sheng, P., Shang, X.,Jiang, H*. 2019. Archaeobotanical evidence for early utilization of cocleburs (Xanthium strumarium L., Asteraceae) in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonimous Region of China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 2027-2038 (SCI/SSCI/A&HCI).
Sheng, P., Shang, X., Zhou, X.*,Jiang, H.*,2019. Archaeobotanical Evidence of Hazelnut (Corylus heterophylla, Betulaceae) Exploitation in the Neolithic Northern China. Sage Open (SSCI).
Zhang, G., Wang, Y., Spate, M., Wang, S.,Jiang, H.*, 2019. Investigation of the diverse plant uses at the South Aisikexiaer Cemetery (~2700-2400 years bp) in the Hami Basin of Xinjiang, Northwest China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 6