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2. Lin, J.,Wang, X., & Meng, Y.: `The catastrophe theory and applications to the solar eruption and other research areas of astrophysics', 2010, Progress in Astronomy, 28, 10;
3. Ma, Y., Wang, D., Lin, J., Dai, S., & Zhang, X.: `Associations of decimetric type III bursts with coronal mass ejections and H ares', 2010, RAA, 10, 484;
4. Ma, S., Wills-Davey, M. J., Lin, J., et al.: `A New View of Coronal Waves from
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5. Lin, J.: `Studies of Solar Flares and CMEs Related to the Space Missions in the Future', 2009, Sci. China Ser. G, 52 1646.
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