(1) 普通栽培燕麦基因组多样性和演化。普通栽培燕麦(Avena sativa, AACCDD)是全世界公认的医用作物,也是植物多倍化研究的模式植物,基于野生二倍体供体物种核基因组全序列,设计c. 3 Mbp合成寡核苷酸探针库,采用FISH技术鉴定六倍体普通栽培燕麦染色体,基因组间染色体易位。鉴定普通栽培燕麦基因组重排,与模式作物六倍体小麦基因组起源模式相比较。该研究将为燕麦属三级基因库种质资源的挖掘和利用提供科学依据。(2) 禾本科关键类群系统演化研究。基于叶绿体全基因组序列,重建单亲遗传叶绿体基因组系统发育关系,研究燕麦族燕麦亚族、佛焰苞类群、普通栽培高粱及近缘物种谱系关系,为解析叶绿体全基因组结构、编码基因选择压力、单亲遗传类群系统发育关系提供证据。
2001.7-至今 中国科学院华南植物园 研究实习员 助研 副研 青年研究员 陈焕镛研究员
2006.7-9 美国史密斯桑尼亚研究所 访问学者
2009.7-2010.7 美国史密斯桑尼亚研究所 访问学者
2012.8-2013.2 美国史密斯桑尼亚研究所 访问学者
2016.11-2017.11 英国莱斯特大学 访问学者
1. Liu Qing*, Li Xiaoyu, Zhou Xiangying, Li Mingzhi, Zhang Fengjiao, Trude Schwarzacher, Pat Heslop-Harrison*. 2019. The DNA landscape in Avena: Chromosome and genome evolution defined by major repetitive DNA classes in whole-genome sequence reads. BMC Plant Biology, 19(1):226.
2. Liu Qing*, Lin Lei, Zhou Xiangying, Peterson Paul M, Wen Jun*. 2017. Unraveling the evolutionary dynamics of ancient and recent polyoidization events in Avena (Poaceae), Scientific Reports, 7(1): 41944.
3. Liu Qing*, Liu Huan, Wen Jun*. 2017. Relationships between Sorghum bicolor (Poaceae) and its close relatives based on genomic in situ hybridization evidence. Turkish Journal of Botany, 41(1): 11-24.
4. Liu Qing*, Liu Huan. 2015. Genomic in situ hybridization identifies genomic relationships of Sorghum bicolor and closely related species (Poaceae). Chromosome Research. 23(S1): S132-S133.
5. Liu Huan, Hu Xiaoying, Liu Yunxiao, Liu Qing*. 2015. Caryopsis micromorphological survey of Sorghum (Poaceae)—taxonomic implications. South African Journal of Botany, 99(1): 1-11.
6. Liu Qing*, Liu H, Wen J, Peterson PM*. 2014. Infrageneric phylogeny and temporal divergences in Sorghum (Andropogonodae, Poaceae) based on low-copy nuclear and plastid sequences. PLoS One, 9(8): e104933.
7. Zhang Y, Hu XY, Liu YX, Liu Qing*. 2014. Caryopsis micromorphological survey of Themeda (Poaceae) and allied spathaceous genera in the Andropogoneae. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38(4): 665-676.
8. Liu Qing*, Jiang B, Wen J, Peterson PM. 2014. Low-copy nuclear gene and McGISH resolving polyploidy history of Eleusine coracana and morphological character evolution in Eleusine. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38(1): 1-12.
9. Liu Qing*, Triplett JK, Wen J, Peterson PM*. 2011. Allotetraploid origin and divergence in Eleusine (Chloridoideae, Poaceae): evidence from low-copy nuclear gene phylogenies and a plastid gene chronogram. Annals of Botany, 108(7): 1287-1298.
10. Liu Qing*, Zhang DX, Peterson PM. 2010. Lemma micromorphological characters in the Chloridoideae (Poaceae) optimized on a molecular phylogeny. South African Journal of Botany, 76(2): 196-209.