1. Rossi, S., Anfodillo T., Čufar K., Cuny H., Deslauriers A., Fonti P., Frank D., Gričar J.,Gruber A., Huang J.G.*, Jyske T., Kašpar J., King G., Krause C., Liang E., Makinen H., Morin H., Nöjd P., Oberhuber W., Prislan P., Rathgeber, C.B.K., Saracino A., Swidrak I.,and Treml V. (2016) Worldwide pattern of wood formation in the northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology, 00:00-00. Doi:10.1111/gcb.13317 (coauthors in alphabetic order )
2. Deslauriers, A., Huang JG*, Beaulieau, M., Balducci, L., Rossi S. (2016) The contribution of carbon and water in modulating wood formation in black spruce saplings. Plant Physiology, 170: 2072-2084. IF=6.841
3. Jiang, X.Y., Huang, J.G.*, Stadt, K., Comeau, P., and Chen, H.Y.H. (2016) Spatial climatedependent growth response of western Canadian boreal mixedwood forest. Global and Planetary Change, 139: 141-150. IF=2.766
4. Cuny, H.E., Rathgeber, C.B.K., Frank D., Fonti P., Mä kinen H., Prislan P., Rossi S., del Castillo E., Campelo F., Vavrčík H., Camarero J., Bryukhanova M.V., Jyske T., Gričar J., Gryc J., Luis M., Vieira J., Čufar K., Kirdyanov A.V., Oberhuber W., Treml V.,Huang J.G., Li X., Swidrak I., Deslauriers A., Liang E., Nöjd P., Gruber A., Nabais C., Morin H., Krause C., King G., and Fournier M. (2015) Wood biomass production lags stem-girth increase by over one month in coniferous forests. Nature Plants 15160 doi:10.1038/NPLANTS.2015.160
5. Shi, P.J., Huang, J.G.*, Cang, H., Grissino-Mayer, H., Tardif, J., Zhai, L.H., Wang, F.S., and Li, B.L. (2015) Capturing spiral radial growth of conifers using the superellipse to model tree-ring geometric shape. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6:856. Doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00856 (co-first author) IF=3.948
6. Zhang W, Sheng WJ, Zhu SD, Wan SQ, Luo YQ, Yan JH, Wang KY, Liu L, Dai H., Li P.,Dai K., Zhang WX., Liu ZF., Wang FM., Kuang YW., Li Z., Lin Y., Rao XQ., Li J., Zou B.,Cai X., Mo JM., Zhao P., Ye Q.,Huang JG, Fu SL (2015). CAN canopy addition of nitrogen better illustrate the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on forest ecosystem? Scientific Reports, 5:11245 doi:10.1038/srep11245. IF=5.578
7. Rossi S., Huang JG., and Morin H. 2015. Assessing responses of tree growth to climate
changes at inter- and intra-annual temporal scale. Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology,Edit by Peh K., Corlett R.T., Bergeron Y. September 2015, page 499-517, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
8. Huang, J.G.*, Deslauriers, A., and Rossi, S. (2014) Xylem formation can be modeled statistically as a function of primary growth and cambium activity. New Phytologist 203:831-841. IF=7.672
9. Gea-Izquierdo G.*, Bergeron Y., Huang J.G., Lapointe-Garant M.P., Grace J., and Berninger F. (2014) Species-specific scale dependent relationships between ecosystem productivity and tree ring growth in boreal coniferous forests. Boreal Environment Research 19:363-378. IF=1.481
10. Huang, J.G.*, Stadt K., Dawson, A., and Comeau, P. (2013) Modelling growth-competition relationships in trembling aspen and white spruce mixed boreal forests of western Canada PLoS ONE 8(10):e77607
11. Huang, J.G.*, Bergeron, Y., Berninger, F., Zhai, L.H., Tardif, J., and Denneler, B. (2013) Impact of future climate on radial growth of four major boreal tree species in the eastern Canadian boreal forest. PLOS ONE, 8(2) e56758. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056758. IF=4.092
12. Zhai, L.H., Bergeron, Y., Huang, J.G.*, and Berninger F. (2012) Variation in intra-annual wood formation, and foliage and shoot development of three major Canadian boreal tree species. American Journal of Botany. 99(5): 827-837. IF=2.664
13. Huang, J.G., Bergeron, Y., Zhai, L.H.*, and Denneler, B. (2011) Variation in intra-annual radial growth (xylem formation) of Picea mariana (Pinaceae) along a latitudinal gradient in western Quebec, Canada. American Journal of Botany, 98(5): 792-800. Doi/10.3732/ajb.1000074 2009 IF=2.664.
This article is highlighted by AJB (http://www.amjbot.org/) and featured in ScienceDaily http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110516102251.htm and Eurekalert http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-05/ajob-wgc051611.php
14. Lapointe-Garant, M.P.*, Huang, J.G., Guillermo, G.I., Raulier, F., Bernier, P., and Berninger, F. (2010) Use of tree rings to study the effect of climate change on trembling aspen in Quebec. Global Change Biology, 16: 2039-2051. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02048.x. IF: 6.862
6. Huang, J.G.*, Tardif, J., Bergeron, Y., Denneler, B., Berninger, F., and Girardin, M. (2010) Radial growth response of four dominant boreal tree species to climate along a latitudinal gradient in the eastern Canadian boreal forest. Global Change Biology, 16: 711-731. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01990.x. IF: 6.862
15. Huang, J.G.*, Tardif, J., Denneler, B., Bergeron, Y., and Berninger, F. (2008) Tree-ring evidence extends the historic northern range limit of severe defoliation by insects in the aspen stands of western Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38:2535-2544. IF: 1.685
16. Li, J.B.*, Cook, E.R., D’Arrigo, R., Chen, F., Gou, X.H., Peng, J.F., and Huang, J.G. (2008) Common tree growth anomalies over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the last six centuries: Implications for regional moisture change. Global Change Biology, 14, 2096-2107. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01603.x. IF: 6.862
17. Huang, J.G.*, Bergeron, Y., Denneler, B., Berninger, F., and Tardif, J. (2007) Response of forest trees to increased atmospheric CO2. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 26(5): 265-283. DOI:10.1080/07352680701626978 IF: 4.659
This article was Top 5 highly-cited articles from 2007-2009, top 20 most cited articles for the journal reported by Journal of Citation Reports 2010 (http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showMostCitedArticles?journalCode=bpts20 ).
18. Huang, J.G.*, Lin, J.D., and Miao, S.L. (2007) Tibet: holy place, not ‘‘Western Storehouse’’! Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 5(3), 122-123. IF: 9.113
19. Huang, J.G., and Zhang, Q.B.* (2007) Tree rings and climate for the last 680 years in Wulan area of northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Climatic Change 80, 369-377, DOI 10.1007/s10584-006-9135-1. IF: 3.385
20. Zhang, Q.B.*, Cheng, G.D., Yao, T.D., Kang, X.C., and Huang, J.G. (2003) A 2326-year tree-ring record of climate variability on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.30, No.14, 1739, doi:10.1029/2003GL017425. IF: 3.792
2016.6-2020.5 参与Belmont气候变化项目;
2015.6-2019.5 主持广东省自然科学基金;
2013年,主持加拿大Mitacs工业基金资助项目 (collaborators: Dr. Annie Deslauriers和 Dr. Hubert Morin);
2012-2013, 主要参与了美国Purdue University Dr. Fei SL的项目;
2010-2012,主要参与和完成了加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会(Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada和阿尔伯特森林工业联合资助的项目(PI: Dr. Ken Stadt and Dr. Phil Comeau);
2004-2009,主要参与和完成了加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会(Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada)NSERC战略项目 (PI: Dr. Yves Bergeron 等);
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