2006.9-2008.6 中国科学院植物研究所/新疆吐鲁番学研究院 博士后
2008.9-2010.9 中国科学院研究生院科技史与科技考古系 博士后
2010.5-2017.11 中国科学院研究生院科技史与科技考古系 副教授
2017.12- 中国科学院大学考古学与人类学系 教授
1) 2007年获“新疆维吾尔自治区优秀博士后”荣誉称号
2) 2009年获中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖
3) 2016年获第一届中国考古学大会青年学者奖(金爵奖)
发表论文(* 为通讯作者)
Online first(including accepted papers)
蒋洪恩,杨军,祁学楷. 南昌海昏侯刘贺墓粮库内出土植物遗存的初步研究. 南方文物 (已接收).
赵美莹,王龙,党志豪,蒋洪恩*.唐西州时期吐鲁番的桃树栽培----从出土文书及实物证据谈起. 中国科学院大学学报(已接收)
陈涛,贺婧婧,姚书文,邱振威,麦慧娟,王博,蒋洪恩*. 吐鲁番阿斯塔那墓地出土彩塑马尾装饰物的科学分析. 第四纪研究 39(1) 258-263.
Zhao, M.,Jiang, H.*,Grassa, C., 2018. Archaeobotanical studies of the Yanghai cemetery in Turpan, Xinjiang, China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 1143-1153 (SCI/SSCI/A&HCI).
Sheng, P., Shang, X.,Jiang, H*. 2019. Archaeobotanical evidence for early utilization of cocleburs (Xanthium strumarium L., Asteraceae) in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonimous Region of China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 2027-2038 (SCI/SSCI/A&HCI).
Sheng, P., Shang, X., Zhou, X.*,Jiang, H.*,2019. Archaeobotanical Evidence of Hazelnut (Corylus heterophylla, Betulaceae) Exploitation in the Neolithic Northern China. Sage Open (SSCI).
Zhang, G., Wang, Y., Spate, M., Wang, S.,Jiang, H.*, 2019. Investigation of the diverse plant uses at the South Aisikexiaer Cemetery (~2700-2400 years bp) in the Hami Basin of Xinjiang, Northwest China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 699-711 (SCI/SSCI/A&HCI)
Ren, M., Tang, Z., Wu, X., Spengler, R.,Jiang, H., Yang, Y., Boivin, N., 2019. The origins of cannabis smoking: Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs, Science Advances 5, eaaw1391.
Jiang, H.*, Feng, G., Liu, X., Cao, H., Wang, S., Ma, L., Ferguson, D.K., 2018. Drilling wood for fire: discoveries and studies of the fire making tools in the Yanghai cemetery of ancient Turpan, China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 27, 197-206 (SCI)
Qu, Y., Hu, Y., Rao, H., Abuduresule, I., Li, W., Hu, X.,Jiang, H.,Wang, C.,Yang, Y., 2018. Diverse lifestyles and populations in the Xiaohe culture of the Lop Nur region, Xinjiang, China, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 2005-2014.
Hunt, H., Rudzinski, A.,Jiang, H.,Wang, R., Thomas, M.G., Jones, M.K. 2018. Genetic evidence for a western Chinese origine of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum). Holocene 28, 1968-1978.
王超,王龙,曹洪勇,张永兵,蒋洪恩*.2018. 新疆东部地区早期铁器时代青稞的脱粒技术研究. 第四纪研究,28 (2) 420-425.
Zhang, G., Wang, S., Ferguson, D.K., Yang, Y., Liu, X.,Jiang, H.*, 2017. Ancient plant use and palaeoenvironmental analysis at the Gumugou Cemetery, Xinjiang, China: implication from desiccated plant remains. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9, 145-152 (SCI/SSCI/A&HCI).
Mai, H, Yang, Y., Jiang, H., Wang, B., Wang,C., 2017.Investigating the materials and manufacture of Jinzi: the lining of Futou (Chinese traditional male headwear) from the Astana Cemeteries, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Cultural Heritage (online)
Rao, H., Yang, Y., Hu, X., Yu, J.,Jiang, H., 2017. Identification of an Ancient Birch Bark Quiver from a Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618–907) Tomb in Xinjiang, Northwest China, Economic Botany 71, 32-44.
Liu, X., Lister D., Zhao, Z., Petrie, C., Zeng, X., Jones, P., Staff., R., Pokharia, A., Bates, J., Singh, R., Weber, S., Matuzeviciute, G., Dong, G., Li, H.,Jiang, H.,Wang, J., Ma, J., Tian, D., Jin, G., Zhou, L., Wu, X., Jones, M. 2017. Journey to the east: Diverse routes and variable flowering times for wheat and barley en route to prehistoric China. Plos One 12(11):e0187405.
祁学楷,梁同军,杨军,蒋洪恩,2017. 南昌墎墩汉墓陵园水井出土果实类植物遗存初探. 南方文物 1, 125-130.
Jiang, H.*, Wang,L., Merlin, M.D., Clarke,R.C., Zhang, Y.,Pan, Y.,Xiao, G., Ding, Ding,X., 2016. AncientCannabis burial shroud in a Central Eurasian Cemetery. Economic Botany 70(3), 213-221 (SCI). (cover story)
Chen, T., Wang, X., Dai, J., Li, W.,Jiang, H.*,2016. Plant use in the Lop Nor region of southern Xinjiang: archaeobotanical studies of the Yingpan cemetery (~25-420AD). Quaternary International 426, 166-174 (SCI).
Zhang, G., Mai, H., Liu, B., Merlin, M., Wang, S., Li., Y.,Jiang, H.*,2016. Wood analysis of an outer coffin unearthed from the Qian Zhang tomb (1553 AD) in Wuxi of eastern China. Journal of Ethnobiology 36, 930-952 (SCI).
Qiu,Z., Shang, X., Ferguson, D.K., Jiang, H.*, 2016. Archaeobotanical analysis of diverse plant food resources and palaeovegetation at the Zhumucun Site, a late Neolithic settlement of the Liangzhu Culture in East China. Quaternary International 426, 75-85 (SCI).
Qiu, Z., Liu, B., Li, Y., Shang, X.,Jiang, H.*,2016. Analysis of plant remains at the Neolithic Yangjia site, Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province. Science China: Earth Science 59, 1803-1816 (SCI).
邱振威,刘宝山,李一全,尚雪,蒋洪恩*,2016. 江苏无锡杨家遗址植物遗存分析. 中国科学:地球科学 46, 1051-1064.
Jiang, H.*, Zhang, Y., Lü, E., Wang, C., 2015. Archaeobotanical evidence of plant utilization in the ancient Turpan of Xinjiang, China: a case study at the Shengjindian cemetery. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 24, 165-177 (SCI) PDF
Jiang, H.,2015. Subeixi cemeteries. In: Metheny, K., and Beaudry, M. (Eds.), Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham. pp. 484-485PDF
Zheng, H.,Jiang, H.,Zhang, Y., Lü, E., Yang, Y., Wang, C., 2015. Early processed Triticeae food remains in Yanghai Tombs, Xinjiang, China. Archaeometry 57, 378-391.
李晶静,张勇,张永兵,王龙,蒋洪恩*,2015. 新疆吐鲁番胜金店墓地小麦遗存加工处理方式初探. 第四纪研究 35(1)207-217 PDF
王欣,尚雪,蒋洪恩,张鹏程,王炜林,王昌燧,2015. 陕西白水河流域两处遗址浮选结果初步分析. 考古与文物 2, 100-104. PDF
1) 2007年获第41批中国博士后基金资助 (20070411167)
2) 2007年获新疆维吾尔自治区优秀博士后基金资助
3) 2008年获第44批中国博士后基金资助 (20080440552)
4) 2009年获中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作基金资助
5) 2010年获中国科学院研究生院院长基金资助“吐鲁番洋海墓地综合研究”(A类Y05101PY00)
6) 2011年获国家自然科学基金青年基金资助“吐鲁番极端环境下的植物利用与人类适应:以苏贝希文化(3.0-1.9 ka BP)为例” (NSFC: 41102114)
7) 2011年主持中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“长江三角洲-陆架地区稻作农业起源与传播” (XDA05130501)
8) 2016年主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“汉唐期间丝路先民的农业活动与环境适应--以新疆地区为例”(NSFC:41672171)
1) 2005年参加第二届国际吐鲁番学研讨会
2) 2006年参加第四届环境考古研讨会
3) 2007年赴波兰参加第14届国际植物考古学研讨会
4) 2008年参加全国第9届科技考古学术讨论会
5) 2008年参加第三届国际吐鲁番学研讨会
6) 2009年参加国际古人类学术研讨会
7) 2009年参加第350次香山科学会议
8) 2010年赴美国参加第38届国际科技考古学会议
9) 2010年全国第10届科技考古学术讨论会
10) 2010年参加鄂尔多斯青铜器与早期东西方文化交流国际学术研讨会
11) 2010年参加中国古脊椎动物学会第12次年会
12) 2011年参加中国植物学会古植物学分会第十五届学术年会
13) 2012年参加第一届植物考古学术交流研讨会